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In my case the css variable “sydney-global-color-1” was not set.
In Customize->Colors I gave the first color in “Global Colors” a value.
The sub-menu is now visible when hovered.Terje
After update from 2.25 to 2.26 the submenues disappears when hovered.
I have the option “sydney-update-header” set to 0 after earlier menu color problems .Terje
In file bnfw.php, function hooks(), add the following line:add_action( ‘auto-draft_to_publish’ , array( $this, ‘publish_post’ ) );
PS. I was wrong about missing notification on post update (the title was empty)
Same experience after updating wp from 5.0.4 to 5.1.1
In my case I lost notifications on both new and changed posts.Beta seems to work fine.
No more duplicate eposts sent on
– adding new post or
– updating a post.(The problem occured when “bnfw” and “Restrict content” both was in use.)
I installed “Classic Editor” plugin, and in settings/writing forced use of classic editor.
The http-req containing “meta-box-loader” is no longer issued from WP.
No double emails received!!!Hi.
The same problem with double emails also occurs when bnfw is used in combination with plugin “Restrict Content”.
After the normal post update, in versions befor 5.0, it used to be a ajax call like this:
REQUEST_URI: “/site49/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=oembed-cache&post=8”
and this update was stopped by:
public function on_shutdown() {
if ( defined( ‘DOING_AJAX’ ) && DOING_AJAX ) {
In wp 5.0 this update is changed to
REQUEST_URI: “/site50/wp-admin/post.php?post=126&action=edit&meta-box-loader=1&_wpnonce=38032602d7&_locale=user”
and causes double email.