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  • Thread Starter TeresaMJ


    Thank God for geniuses like you! It works now! We’ve got post titles!

    Thank you so much! Have a blessed day!

    Thread Starter TeresaMJ


    Thanks for all your time, by the way. I really appreciate it ??

    Thread Starter TeresaMJ


    This, I can’t remove. It’s a custom css, and I would have to replace it with something. As far as I understand (and I could be wrong) but each custom css I create overwrites the previous one. And it’s completely blank, except for whatever I write. It’s under Appearance/Edit CSS.

    .page .entry-title {
    display: none;

    Thread Starter TeresaMJ


    Here is the wrappers.php:

    // $style = ‘post’ or ‘block’ or ‘vmenu’ or ‘simple’
    function theme_wrapper($style, $args) {
    $func_name = “theme_{$style}_wrapper”;
    if (function_exists($func_name)) {
    call_user_func($func_name, $args);
    } else {

    function theme_post_wrapper($args = ”) {
    $args = wp_parse_args($args, array(
    ‘id’ => ”,
    ‘class’ => ”,
    ‘title’ => ”,
    ‘heading’ => ‘h2’,
    ‘thumbnail’ => ”,
    ‘before’ => ”,
    ‘content’ => ”,
    ‘after’ => ”,
    ‘comments’ => ”
    if (theme_is_empty_html($title) && theme_is_empty_html($content))
    if ($id) {
    $id = ‘ id=”‘ . $id . ‘” ‘;
    if ($class) {
    $class = ‘ ‘ . $class;
    <article<?php echo $id; ?> class=”art-post art-article <?php echo $class; ?>”>
    <h2 class=”art-postheader”><span class=”art-postheadericon”>Post
    <?php echo $before; ?>
    $meta = trim(theme_ob_get_clean());
    if (strlen($meta) > 0) {
    echo ‘<div class=”art-postmetadataheader”>’.$meta.'</div>’;
    <?php echo $thumbnail; ?><div class=”art-postcontent clearfix”><?php echo $content; ?></div>
    <?php echo $after; ?>
    $meta = trim(theme_ob_get_clean());
    if (strlen($meta) > 0) {
    echo ‘<div class=”art-postmetadatafooter”>’.$meta.'</div>’;

    <?php echo $comments; ?></article>

    function theme_simple_wrapper($args = ”) {
    $args = wp_parse_args($args, array(
    ‘id’ => ”,
    ‘class’ => ”,
    ‘title’ => ”,
    ‘heading’ => ‘div’,
    ‘content’ => ”,
    if (theme_is_empty_html($title) && theme_is_empty_html($content))
    if ($id) {
    $id = ‘ id=”‘ . $id . ‘” ‘;
    if ($class) {
    $class = ‘ ‘ . $class;
    echo “<div class=\”art-widget{$class}\”{$id}>”;
    if (!theme_is_empty_html($title))
    echo ‘<‘ . $heading . ‘ class=”art-widget-title”>’ . $title . ‘</’ . $heading . ‘>’;
    echo ‘<div class=”art-widget-content”>’ . $content . ‘</div>’;
    echo ‘</div>’;

    function theme_block_wrapper($args) {
    $args = wp_parse_args($args, array(
    ‘id’ => ”,
    ‘class’ => ”,
    ‘title’ => ”,
    ‘heading’ => ‘div’,
    ‘content’ => ”,
    if (theme_is_empty_html($title) && theme_is_empty_html($content))
    if ($id) {
    $id = ‘ id=”‘ . $id . ‘” ‘;
    if ($class) {
    $class = ‘ ‘ . $class . ‘ ‘;

    $begin = <<<EOL
    <div {$id}class=”art-block{$class} clearfix”>

    $begin_title = <<<EOL
    <div class=”art-blockheader”>
    <$heading class=”t”>
    $end_title = <<<EOL
    $begin_content = <<<EOL
    <div class=”art-blockcontent”>
    $end_content = <<<EOL
    $end = <<<EOL

    echo $begin;
    if ($begin_title && $end_title && !theme_is_empty_html($title)) {
    echo $begin_title . $title . $end_title;
    echo $begin_content;
    echo $content;
    echo $end_content;
    echo $end;

    Thread Starter TeresaMJ


    How can I overwrite this?

    .page .entry-title {
    display: none;

    If I want it to display again, what should the code be?

    Thread Starter TeresaMJ


    Is this what you need to see? There wasn’t one called just “single.php”

    Thread Starter TeresaMJ


    Ok, here is content-single.php:

    * content*.php
    * The post format template. You can change the structure of your posts or add/remove post elements here.
    * ‘id’ – post id
    * ‘class’ – post class
    * ‘thumbnail’ – post icon
    * ‘title’ – post title
    * ‘before’ – post header metadata
    * ‘content’ – post content
    * ‘after’ – post footer metadata
    * To create a new custom post format template you must create a file “content-YourTemplateName.php”
    * Then copy the contents of the existing content.php into your file and edit it the way you want.
    * Change an existing get_template_part() function as follows:
    * get_template_part(‘content’, ‘YourTemplateName’);
    global $post;
    ‘id’ => theme_get_post_id(),
    ‘class’ => theme_get_post_class(),
    ‘title’ => theme_get_meta_option($post->ID, ‘theme_show_post_title’) ? get_the_title() : ”,
    ‘heading’ => theme_get_option(‘theme_single_article_title_tag’),
    ‘before’ => theme_get_metadata_icons(‘date,edit’, ‘header’),
    ‘content’ => theme_get_content(),
    ‘after’ => theme_get_metadata_icons(”, ‘footer’),
    ‘comments’ => theme_get_comments()

    Thread Starter TeresaMJ


    Yes, I mean I think I hid the post titles. That’s why it’s not showing.

    Here is one of the custom css revisions I did:

    How do you want the themes code? Is it one of the files under editing? Shall I copy and paste it here? Not sure which code exactly. I will send as soon as I hear from you.
    Thank you!

    Thread Starter TeresaMJ


    I made the title and post say test. As of now, I updated the title of the post to be Test Title and the post to say test post.
    So, it is definitely the post showing and not the title.

    I think I might have messed up the css, when I was searching for ways to get the word “POST” to disappear. Maybe I put in the code for not showing the post title. Unfortunately, I have no idea where in the css I did that ??

    Is there a way to add custom css to show the post title, and will that override what I already changed?

    Here is a current screenshot of the post I did:

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter TeresaMJ


    It did get fixed…on it’s own. Thank you!

    Thread Starter TeresaMJ


    The word “Post” went away after adding this code.

    However, the title I put for the post is still not showing. It should say “Test” as a title.

    Just like on this site,
    the title of the post is Jaclynn’s Q&A

    Thread Starter TeresaMJ


    I have sent them the same request. Does this mean I will find no help here?

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