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  • Thread Starter teodorsavic


    I read the changelog and saw that you included post format option in the latest update but I can’t find it. Am I missing something?
    Any help?
    Best regards!

    Thread Starter teodorsavic


    Thank you for this. This is what the community is all about.

    Came to the plugin support page to create a topic regarding this when I ran into this one. I started using this plugin a few days ago and I couldn’t be more satisfied with it. Not only it resizes images but it compresses them way better than all the other plugins I’ve tried (including all those fancy ones with millions of downloads). Great job Phil!
    The only flaw is that it doesn’t compress all image sizes and as a consequence the thumbnail image sometimes takes up way more space than the original image that has been compressed.
    Looking forward to the update that would contain this feature.
    If you need any help with testing or debugging I’m here.
    Best regards!

    Thread Starter teodorsavic


    I created a bug report on the link you gave me.
    All I can do now is
    DELETE FROM 'wp_optionsWHEREoption_nameLIKE (‘%\_transient\_%’)`
    every now and then to avoid flooding my database.
    Waiting for your response.
    Best regards!

    Thread Starter teodorsavic


    Thank you very much for your response.
    I actually used a multiple if conditions combined with strpos and strlen and managed to make it work for me in 99% situations.
    I will write it here just in case someone has a similar problem.
    In nextgen_basic_imagebrowser.php instead of:
    <h3><?php echo esc_attr($image->alttext); ?></h3>
    insert this:

         $a = $image->alttext;
         if ((strpos($a,'-') !== false) or (strpos($a,'_') !== false)){
         } else {
         echo $a;

    This code will display all the Alt/Title Texts that you entered/edited in Manage Gallery and won’t display automatically created Alt/Title Texts (e.g. my-image-1.jpg) if you didn’t enter any Alt Text yourself.
    It probably isn’t the most elegant solution and probably won’t work for everybody (depending on how you formatted your Titles) but it works for me.

    Thread Starter teodorsavic


    Thank you very much for answering.

    I’ve checked and all those folders are excluded. I’ve tried setting maximum number of retries to 20 and maximum script execution time to 150 sec and it managed to upload it once but it lasted for 5000s and then it failed several times, then succeeded once again and so on.. I was also getting the “(400) False offset will corrected” error in the log file a few times (not always). I tried running the backup manually and with cron. Manual backups never succeeded and cron backups did a few times.

    I’m on dedicated server and I have the access to the root so if there’s some possible server-side problem I could manage it, but I can’t figure out what it could be.

    The same problem here.. Did anyone manage to solve this?

    Thread Starter teodorsavic


    bump! ??

    Thread Starter teodorsavic


    Correction! I’m sorry.

    Not all image titles are reset. I misinterpreted that. After some time spent on the issue, I noticed that the plugin created a title on all images that had no title. So, if I had and image that already has a title, everything was fine, but if the image didn’t have a title the plugin created it by inserting the name of the image file. Is there any way to stop this? I have thousands of images with no title and now it created titles that are visible above the imagebrowser and it doesn’t look nice.

    Best regards!

    Thread Starter teodorsavic


    Also I want to report a few serious issues.
    I updated the plugin and all titles of the images were reset to the file names of images uploaded. I don’t know why this happened but it’s really an issue..
    e.g. I uploaded an image file sample_image.jpg. Nextgen automatically set the tittle sample_image and it was written above the image in imagebrowser view. Since it is not well formatted, I edited the image title to Sample Image and everything was OK. Now when I updated nextgen gallery, all the titles are reset back to sample_image.

    I believe this should be solved since it means that if I update the plugin, I need to edit over 20.000 image titles and that is impossible.. I’m sure that there are lots of websites that have way more images than mine does.

    Best regards!

    That’s it!
    There are no words in this world that can express how thankful I am for this. You helped me more than you can imagine. Thank you very much for spending your time helping me.
    I think this is a quite useful topic that will help many people. With my novice questions and your precise answers, I think everybody would be able to fix this without any problem ??

    Thank you once more!
    Best regards!

    I edited it to:
    INSERT INTO wp_wysija_user_field ( field_id, name, column_name, type, ‘values’, ‘default’, is_required, error_message ) VALUES ( 1, ‘First name’, ‘firstname’, 0, NULL, ”, 0, ‘Please enter first name’ );
    INSERT INTO wp_wysija_user_field ( field_id, name, column_name, type, ‘values’, ‘default’, is_required, error_message ) VALUES ( 2, ‘Last name’, ‘lastname’, 0, NULL, ”, 0, ‘Please enter last name’ );

    but I got the error again:

    SQL query:

    INSERT INTO wp_wysija_user_field ( field_id, name, column_name,
    TYPE , ‘values’, ‘default’, is_required, error_message )
    VALUES ( 1, ‘First name’, ‘firstname’, 0, NULL , ”, 0, ‘Please enter first name’ ) ;

    MySQL said: Documentation

    #1064 – You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ”values’, ‘default’, is_required, error_message ) VALUES ( 1, ‘First name’, ‘fir’ at line 1

    Thank you very much. I found that line but I don’t quite understand what do you mean by ‘backtick’.. This is what I have in the database:

    INSERT INTO wp_wysija_user_field ( field_id, name, column_name, type, values, default, is_required, error_message ) VALUES ( 1, ‘First name’, ‘firstname’, 0, NULL, ”, 0, ‘Please enter first name’ );
    INSERT INTO wp_wysija_user_field ( field_id, name, column_name, type, values, default, is_required, error_message ) VALUES ( 2, ‘Last name’, ‘lastname’, 0, NULL, ”, 0, ‘Please enter last name’ );

    What should I do with it?

    Thank you very much for your answer. The problem in my case is that I use a plugin that automatically backs up my website and I don’t have a choice of the database export method. I always get the dump.sql file that I can’t use. Is there any chance I could e.g. import the database to my local wamp server’s phpmyadmin and then export it in gzip format so that I can use it? Is there some way around this?

    Sorry for bothering you.
    Best regards!

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