11 years, 6 months ago
Thousand thanks Fabian!
It is a great joy that infinite animation for 360 degree panoramas has now been achieved.
Dear Fabian,
One feature I wish to see in your excellent plugin is a nonestop autoscroll for 360 degree panoramas. Presently animate=’1′ parameter initiates a scroll but it stops before completing one 360 degree loop.
Thanks, Temel
Exactly the same problem here!:
I also use WP v.3.6 and PhotoNav v.1.0.2. Since I upgraded WP 3.5 to 3.6 a couple of days ago the endless drag/scroll stopped working.
Here is a sample page:
Here is the code for the page: [photonav url=’’ mode=’drag360′ popup=’none’ animate=’1′ container_width=’1600′ container_height=’658′] The animated autoscroll starts but stops after a half round and can’t be dragged any further than the seam.