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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [azeria] Change entry title css for full width pages and postsForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [azeria] Linking of head imageTo force logo fill all header you also need create child theme and rewite header.php. Than move azeria_logo() from .container. Also some CSS modification will be required.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [azeria] "Follow Me" G IconHi @5ingingwolf,
yes, this icon added via Font Awesome. Font files located in Azeria theme in fonts folder. When new version of Font Awesome will be released – we update Azeria theme, so you’ll get it automatically.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [azeria] Linking of head imageHi @fuhi,
Header image added as background to .site header, so you can’t add link directly to this image. You can try to do this in 2 ways:
1) Create own child theme for Azeria. In child theme rewrite template header.php – add header image with<img>
tag and wrap this image into link. Something like this (just example, not tested):<?php $header_image = get_header_image(); if ( $header_image ) : ?> <a href="https://your-link-url"> <img src="<?php echo esc_url( $header_image ); ?>" alt=""> </a> <?php endif; ?>
But this way requires a lot of customization.
2) Upload this image as logo (if you need link to your home page)Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [azeria] Thumbnail sizesHi @bithons!
The better way to change thumbnail sizes is create your own child theme for Azeria. Then add to your child theme file functions.php with next code:<?php add_filter( 'azeria_image_sizes', 'azeria_child_image_sizes' ); function azeria_child_image_sizes( $sizes ) { $sizes['post-thumbnail'] = array( 'width' => 850, 'height' => 400, 'crop' => true ); return $sizes; }
This sizes will be applied for all new images. To change size of existing images – you need to use Regenerate Thumbnails plugin. We checked this code with exactly the same size image as you describe – all works fine.
Child themes tutorial you can find here
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [azeria] Azeria numbered commentsHi @the bsbrb,
You need to add next code via custom CSS plugin or into style.css in your child theme.comment-list { counter-reset: azeria-comments; } .comment-body { counter-increment: azeria-comments; } .comment-body:before { content: counter(azeria-comments, decimal); }
Then you can style this counter as you need, just add styles to this element – .comment-body:before
Child themes tutorial – here
Custom CSS plugin (this for example, you can use anyone) – hereForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [azeria] Underlining of Header