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    You could do

    .entry-content img,
    .comment-content img,
    .widget img,
    .author-avatar img,
    img.wp-post-image {
        box-shadow: none;
        border-radius: 0;
        border: none;

    That should remove border and shadow on every image on the site. If you only want to remove them posts and pages, this should work:

    .entry-content img,
    img.wp-post-image {
        box-shadow: none;
        border-radius: 0;
        border: none;


    If you’re ok with using plugin and simplify the entire process, you can use either Jetpack (an official plugin from WordPress themselves) or Simple Custom CSS.

    • If you use Jetpack, you will need to connect it to your account, then activate the custom CSS module in Jetpack –> Settings. Afterward, you can copy-paste the code into Appearance –> Edit CSS.
    • If you use Simple Custom CSS, then after install and activate the plugin, you can copy-paste the code into Appearance –> Custom CSS.

    If you dislike using plugins and familiar with web development, you can setup a child theme and paste the code at the bottom of your child theme’s style.css. Instructions here:



    Change the color codes as needed. You can use to grab your color codes.

    Site description text color:

    #masthead .site-description {
       color: #222;

    Sidebar normal text color:

    #secondary {
       color: #222;

    Sidebar link colors:

    #secondary a {
        color: #000;

    Sidebar widget title color:

    #secondary .widget-title {
       color: #222;

    Navigation menu text color:

    #site-navigation a {
        color: #222;

    Navigation menu text hover color:

    #site-navigation a:hover, #site-navigation a:focus {
        color: #000;

    Navigation menu current item:

    #site-navigation .current-menu-item>a,
    #site-navigation .current-menu-parent>a,
    #site-navigation .current-menu-ancestor>a,
    #site-navigation .current_page_item>a,
    #site-navigation .current_page_parent>a,
    #site-navigation .current_page_ancestor>a {
        color: #000;


    So now we’re left wondering whether what we want the site to look like and do is in fact possible [with WordPress].

    I’d like to say yes, but I really cannot tell for sure without more details. Could you please elaborate a bit as far as what you would like the site to do and what you want it to look like?

    WordPress is quite capable. Of course, if you’re planning to have some multi-million dollars website done through WordPress, then that’s likely not going to happen. But for a standard “business website,” it should be more than adequate. The fact that your local web design company wasn’t able to turn in into reality makes me curious as to what sort of special feature you wanted in your site that took them over 2 months to develop but still unable to finish.



    If you take a look at the theme’s CSS, you’ll see something like this:

    .header-image {
        -webkit-background-size: cover;
           -moz-background-size: cover;
             -o-background-size: cover;
                background-size: cover;

    That sets the background image is set to “cover.” That pretty much means that the background image would stretch to cover its container.

    If you want the image to stay as you upload it, what you can do (if the theme doesn’t have the option built-in) is to overwrite that with something else in your child theme’s style.css or another Custom CSS method with “auto” instead of “cover”:

    .header-image {
        -webkit-background-size: auto;
           -moz-background-size: auto;
             -o-background-size: auto;
                background-size: auto;

    You would then need to add some more lines to your custom CSS in order to re-style the entire header area because we’re breaking out of the theme’s default.

    If you aren’t confident in your web development skills, I’d recommend using another theme or hire someone.



    And where in my CSS do I paste the pier of code?
    Or doesn’t that mather?

    If you’re familiar with web development, you can setup a child theme and paste the code at the bottom of your child theme’s style.css. Instructions here:

    If you’re ok with using plugin and simplify the entire process, you can use either Jetpack (an official plugin from WordPress themselves) or Simple Custom CSS.

    • If you use Jetpack, you will need to connect it to your account, then activate the custom CSS module in Jetpack –> Settings. Afterward, you can copy-paste the code into Appearance –> Edit CSS.
    • If you use Simple Custom CSS, then after install and activate the plugin, you can copy-paste the code into Appearance –> Custom CSS.

    What Andrew recommended above also works. It’s just that different people have different preferences and mine happens to be differ from his.




    You can control the left’s width with this:

    .posts_narrow {
        width: 800px;

    You can control the sidebar’s width with this:

    #sidebardx {
        width: 200px;

    And you can control the width of the entire page as a whole with this:

    #content {
        width: 1040px;


    2) You can use this:

    #content {
        background: #500000;


    3) I’m not sure I understand this. Could you please elaborate a bit?


    4) If you mean something like this screenshot, then this should work:

    #content .hentry {
         padding-top: 0;


    On another note, your site doesn’t have responsive design built in (meaning it only works on desktop views). Nowadays supporting mobile devices is pretty much required; you might want to pick another theme or consider hiring someone to do the conversion for you.



    @theme Author:

    It looks like this: (If you zoom in a look really hard, you’ll see teh word Raccoon in the search box that I typed in).

    It happens on all major web browsers, latest version: IE, Safari, Firefox, Chrome.

    It occurs on your demo, too. To reproduce the problem, you can simply start typing something into the search box.

    I believe that happens due to these codes in your style:

    .searchform #s {
       color: #555;
    .searchform #s:focus {
        color: #555;


    You mean something like in this screenshot?

    If that’s the case, this should work:

    .size-full {
        margin: 5px 0; /* the first number controls top & bottom; the 2nd controls right and left */

    If you prefer to control each side separately, you can use this instead of the one above:

    .size-full {
        margin: 5px 0px 6px 0px; /* in this order: TOP RIGHT BOTTOM LEFT */



    Try this:

    .widget_search .searchform input#s {
        color: #fff;


    I’m seeing that you’re using Modern Blogger Pro, a premium theme from I’ll have to direct you to contact them for further support at this point

    I’m very sorry but this forum discourages us from supporting premium themes ??

    In order to be good stewards of the WordPress community, and encourage innovation and progress, we feel it’s important to direct people to those official locations.


    I’ll just finished what I’ve started: You don’t want to change anything in the default codes because you would lose those changes when the theme update. You want to add to the default CSS, not changing it.

    If your theme support custom CSS, you can copy-paste the code into there. I don’t have access to the theme so I can’t tell.

    If your theme doesn’t support custom CSS out of hte box, you can create a child theme and copy-paste codes to the bottom of your child theme’s style.css. Instructions here:

    If you’re unable to setup a child theme, then you can use plugins like Jetpack (an official plugin from WordPress) or Simple Custom CSS.

    • For Jetpack, you’ll need to install and configured it; then activate the custom CSS module. Afterward, you can copy-paste the codes into the custom CSS box in Appearance –> Edit CSS.
    • For Simple Custom CSS, you can find the custom CSS box to paste the code in Appearance –> Custom CSS.


    As for your navigation bar, are you adding your links through Appearance –> Menus? It should work through there if you’ve setup a default location for the main menu.



    This one is for the content width:

    .content {
        width: 668px; /* main content width */

    And this one is for the sidebar width:

    .sidebar-primary {
        width: 320px; /* sidebar width */

    You can use only one or use both, depending on your needs.


    Edit: By the way, as of right now, on your main navigation bar, your writing, blog, and contact link to nowhere.



    You can use this:

    @media all and (max-width: 767px) {
        .main-navigation a {
            color: #009BFF;

    Change the color code as needed. You can find the code for the colors at

    The @media query line tell the browser to only apply that when the view is below 767px (which is when the mobile layout kicks in for your theme).



    You mean the pencil, checkmark, and heart icon on your page?

    This will change the size on all 3 of those:

    .home-iconmenu a i (
        font-size: 120px; /* home iconmenu size */

    And if you only want to change the icon size on only the Custom Home Plan box, use this:

    .homeitemcount1.home-iconmenu a i {
        font-size: 120px;

    change .homeitemcount# to 2 or 3 if you need other boxes



    If there is no other question, could you please mark this as resolved? That would be much appreciated, thank you!

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