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    When you mouse over the menu items and the blue font turns black, there is also a background color box that switches from white to grey. That is the background color I’d like to change. What is that called?

    What menu item blue font? I don’t see any blue font on the Hueman demo navigation; so it’s probably your site. Could you give us a link to that?



    You’re welcome. And they could also become useful for others who run into similar issues and find this topic through Google search, too.

    If the issue has been resolved, could you please mark this topic as resolved? That would be much appreciated, thank you very much.



    Which menu? Hueman has 3 menus by default.

    These will affect only the drop-down menu, change the color codes as necessary.

    Top nav:

    /* topbar sub-menu background color */
    #nav-topbar ul.sub-menu {
        background: #0DFFFF;
    /* topbar sub-menu background color for links */
    #nav-topbar .sub-menu li > a {
        background: #FF0D7a;
    /* topbar sub-menu background color  for links when hover */
    #nav-topbar .sub-menu li > a:hover {
        background: #FFAC38;

    Main nav

    /* main nav sub-menu background color */
    #nav-header ul.sub-menu {
        background: #0DFFFF;
    /* main nav sub-menu background color for links */
    #nav-header .sub-menu li > a {
        background: #FF0D7a;
    /* main nav sub-menu background color  for links when hover */
    #nav-header .sub-menu li > a:hover {
        background: #FFAC38;

    Footer nav

    /* footer nav sub-menu background color */
    #nav-footer ul.sub-menu {
        background: #0DFFFF;
    /* footer nav sub-menu background color for links */
    #nav-footer .sub-menu li > a {
        background: #FF0D7a;
    /* footer nav sub-menu background color  for links when hover */
    #nav-footer .sub-menu li > a:hover {
        background: #FFAC38;


    This piece of CSS should fix the issue in Firefox. Please put it at the bottom of your child theme’s style.css.

    .blog .hentry a .attachment-home-post, .archive .hentry a .attachment-home-post, .search .hentry a .attachment-home-post {
    	filter: grayscale(100%);
    	-webkit-filter: grayscale(100%); /* webkit browsers */
    	filter: gray; /* IE 6 - 9 */
    	-webkit-transition: all .6s ease;
    	filter: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns=\'\'><filter id=\'grayscale\'><feColorMatrix type=\'matrix\' values=\'0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 0 0 0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 0 0 0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 0 0 0 0 0 1 0\'/></filter></svg>#grayscale"); /* Firefox 10+ */
    .blog .hentry a .attachment-home-post:hover, .archive .hentry a .attachment-home-post:hover, .search .hentry a .attachment-home-post:hover {
    	filter: grayscale(0%);
    	-webkit-filter: grayscale(0%);
    	filter: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns=\'\'><filter id=\'grayscale\'><feColorMatrix type=\'matrix\' values=\'1 0 0 0 0, 0 1 0 0 0, 0 0 1 0 0, 0 0 0 1 0\'/></filter></svg>#grayscale");

    Screenshot of the code in action on Firefox:



    This should work

    .main-navigation {
       background: #43ace1;


    If you’re using the latest versions of the current major web browsers, you can Right-Click —> Inspect Element to have a code view at the highlighted portion. The rest come from experience.

    If the issues have been resolved, could you please mark this thread as “resolved”? That would be much appreciated, thank you.



    Most of that design is possible . . . but 2 parts would be tough to tackle with that design:

    • the navigation bar, and
    • the responsive view

    especially that navigation bar, with a different design for every single item.


    Keep in mind that the navigation menu items are generated dynamically. Your navigation bar design has a different design for each item–some with different color, some with different decoration, some slanted left, some slanted right, etc.

    Even if we make the lower nav #primary and the upper nav #secondary, it would still need individual classes for each item. If you add links via Appearance –> Menus, WordPress generates something like .menu-item-## (for example, menu-item-66, menu-item-143, etc.) class automatically for each menu item. It’s not possible for the dev to predict the ## generate by WordPress.

    The theme would need its own custom navigation menu option, instead of the default Appearance –> Menus option. If not, then the only other way would be to customize them after you’ve gotten the nav items in place or hard code them in (bad thing about this method would be unable to change the nav items at all in the future, at least not without messing with the parent codes).

    Unless, of course, if you would be ok with a uniform appearance while normal, then a different but uniformed appearance while hover/active/focus . . . this would simply everything and make the nav just a standard nav again.


    Making the theme responsive (meaning it automatically adapts to different screensizes, from desktops to mobile) would be another challenge, though probably easier than the previous. Your developers would have to strip out the majority of the design in order to do that though.



    In the @media all and (max-width: 767px), there is nothing that points to color. SO I added your suggestion but nothing changed!!! I still get the grey invisible color #636363. I searched the whole css and found only 2 places having this #636363 and changed them and nothing changed too. Any other suggestions? Thanks

    My code does work when applied properly. See screenshot here: (I changed the color to red so it’d be easier to notice).

    It’s not working because you’re trying to change the parent’s style.css. You’re not supposed to mess with the parent’s style.css file. You’re supposed to be using child CSS or custom CSS.



    You could do

    .home .post-title,
    .home .post-title a {
        display: none;


    Only the new codes. If you actually copy the entire parent theme’s functions.php there, it would mess everything up.

    WordPress’s child theme functions.php doesn’t replace the parent theme’s functions.php; it loads in addition to the parent theme’s functions.php. The order is like this: child theme’s functions.php loads then parent theme’s functions.php loads.

    More info here:



    That’s fairly basic. The image is a background image; the CSS for it would be something like background: url('link') position no-repeat. The video is an embedded YouTube video.

    The way it was implemented there isn’t ideal either because his theme is responsive but whoever did that never took the responsiveness into the equation.

    How to accomplish it would be different from theme to theme. If your theme doesn’t support that out of the box, you can still make it possible by grabbing the page ID# and start localize the CSS to that page only. Then set up the home page to that page in Settings –> readings.



    If the issue has been resolved, could you please mark this topic as “resolved”? That would be much appreciated, thank you.



    I don’t think the image you’d like us to see is on that page. “webkit-fake-url://DE65B8B4-E4BB-4AEA-AAF7-5AA557E714C6/image.tiff” isn’t a valid URL.

    But yes, what you’ve listed there are all within capability of WordPress—from the portfolio to blog, even if you wish to have a small (a few hundred items) eCommerce store with a credit card checkout system (without the leaving the site), too. It’s just a matter of the developer and a theme.

    Your scout website could use some tune up, too, such as a better slider, a responsive design (making the site auto-adapt to different screens, from desktops to mobile), etc.



    Great…where is the Index.html? Is it in my wordpress back office? Where?

    For most standard share-hosting services (it seems you’re with GoDaddy), that would be public_html folder by default, unless you manually configured it differently somehow.

    You can upload your file using your own FTP client or via the built-in File Manager. You can contact GoDaddy’s support for helps with setting up and using your FTP client.

    If you wish to use the built-in file manager instead, you can find instruction here: Most likely you’re on the Linux (cPanel) one.



    If you just want to remove “by author, date, and comment,” then please use this:,, span.comment {
        display: none;

    If you want to remove the entire .entry-meta line, then please use this:

    .entry-meta {
        display: none;

    Your theme has a Custom CSS box in Appearance –> Theme Options –> General Settings –> scroll down a little and you’ll see the custom CSS box. You can copy-paste the code you’d like to use into there.



    First question: How do I get the text “Home” at the top of the homepage to disappear? (but not necessarily every title on each page…just the homepage’s “Home”).

    Could you please elaborate a bit? I’m not seeing any home button or link at the top.

    If you mean to hide a link on your navigation bar and only on home the page, you can use this:

    (if you’ve setup your nav location via Appearance –> Menus)

    .home #menu-item-68 { /* Change #menu-item-## to the correct number of your item; it'll be different for every site  */
        display: none;

    (if you’re using the default, without setting up anything via Appearance –> Menus)

    .home .page-item-114 { /* Change .page-item-## to the correct number of your item; it'll be different for every site  */

    Without seeing the site, I can’t tell which item-number it has. You’ll have to either provide us a link to your site or find it out on your own.


    Second question:
    I am having trouble getting the header image height taller. You see, I know that I can change the padding from 10% to something else (like posted in other posts) and it does enlarge it which is nice…but then in crops it. So basically I want to go into the functions.php and change the “416” to “550”. But every time I try to make a child page for functions.php my website says:

    So . . . something like in this screenshot? Instead of teh default cropping 1280×416, you wish to change it to 1280×550, using the functions.php in your child theme. Is that correct?

    Try putting this into your functions.php, remove the <?php ?> tags if you already have something in place.

    function hemingway_custom_header_setup() {
    	$header_args = array( 'height' => 550 );
    	add_theme_support( 'custom-header', $header_args );
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'hemingway_custom_header_setup' );
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