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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GetMeCooking Recipe Template] Add Description above dataHello,
Thank you for your kind feedback ??
Please can you clarify what you mean? By heading text, do you mean the recipe title?
The ‘recipe note’ can be placed before or after the recipe’s steps. To do this, please go to:
– WordPress Dashboard
– GetMeCooking Settings
– General Settings
– Where do you want the recipe note to appear? (before/after)Please see for an example of a recipe with a note which is positioned before the recipe steps.
This is the only visible descriptive text for the recipe. A recipe summary may be included, but this is only displayed in search engine results and on if you choose to post your recipes to there.
Generally, the blog post would act as descriptive text for the recipe. If you have a different use case, where you feel there should be additional descriptive text for the recipe, please let us know and we may consider adding it to a later version of the plugin.
Just in case you haven’t seen it, we also have a premium version of the plugin, which has more features, such as a recipe index
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GetMeCooking Recipe Template] Print Recipe button not workingIf you look at your site in Internet Explorer, in the bottom left corner of the screen you will see a yellow warning triangle. Click on it and you will get this error:
Message: Object doesn’t support this property or method
Line: 6
Char: 1
Code: 0
—————————————————————-Try changing your theme to one of the standard themes.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GetMeCooking Recipe Template] Print Recipe button not workingHi bladefist76,
This is caused by a JavaScript issue on your site, which is a result of a ‘broken’ plugin or theme. The GetMeCooking plugin uses JavaScript (as may other plugins), so because JavaScript is broken, the print function isn’t working.
Did it work recently? If so, have you since installed any plugins or changed your theme? If you have, please try disabling them and then test again.
Or change your theme to one of the default WordPress themes and disable all plugins except for the GetMeCooking plugin, then test to see if the print function works. If it does, then enable each of the other plugins and test, until you find the one that causes the print function to stop working.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GetMeCooking Recipe Template] Show conversion chart_present all the timeHi ariashana,
As Kevin says in the above post, this is a JavaScript error, caused by something else on your blog (a plugin, theme or something else). The JavaScript issue is effecting the GetMeCooking recipe and will also be effecting other plugins that use JavaScript.
Please can you run through the steps that Kevin gave above?
As the issue is not caused by the GetMeCooking plugin, I will mark this topic as resolved, but we will still continue to assist you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GetMeCooking Recipe Template] Show conversion chart_present all the timeHi ariashana,
Which web browser are you using? Do you see a yellow triangle in the bottom left of the screen? If so, please can you double click on it and then copy and paste the message from there into here.
If you like, please create me a user account so that I can log on and have a look. If you do this, please e-mail me the logon details here
Hi Karen,
We haven’t got Pinterest integrated in our plugin yet (coming soon!), so this will be an issue with the Pinterst plugin you are using. Please can you tell me the name of the Pinterest plugin and we will have a look.
I’m not sure about the formatting issue. I will ask Kevin to have a look at this.
It’s actually the first step of the instructions that come with the Premium plugin ??
But I’m glad you got it resolved.
Happy cooking!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GetMeCooking Recipe Template] how to access the slideshow?Hi Charlietech,
> with the slideshow. Can you break down where i go to upload pictures and links in the slideshow?
The pictures for the slideshow are inherited from the main photograph of each recipe (see the section ‘Photograph of the finished recipe’ on the ‘Edit Recipe’ section).
The links go to the blog post (or page) where the recipe was last entered. So if you have added 10 recipes into 10 different blog posts, clicking on each recipe would take you to each of the 10 different blog posts.
Please see our demo site for an example
> categories, you have to list them in the meal for them to appear in the category short code correct?
For each recipe, you can add category information (see the ‘Recipe Information’ screen in the ‘Edit Recipe’ section.
When you display a category type (using a shortcode), the recipes will appear in the correct categories. Please see our demo site for an example of this.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GetMeCooking Recipe Template] Is the premium version mobile friendly?Better than that – from within the plugin we provide the options:
– Thumbnail
– Medium
– Large
– Custom (here you can specify width and height)
– FullThe non-custom sizes are defined from your WordPress Dashboard, within ‘Settings | Media’.
Plus, we also give these options:
– How long should each photo show for? (Leave empty for the default of 5000ms. Just type in a number.)
– Which slide effect? (slide or fade)
– Show recipe title? (yes or no)
– Show paging? (yes or no)
– How many recipes do you want to show? (1 – 10)See and for example of it in use.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GetMeCooking Recipe Template] Is the premium version mobile friendly?The short answer is yes.
And here’s the long answer ??
The Premium version extends the free version of the plugin – and uses its same design, so you can try the free version of the plugin and then see if its design meets your requirements.
The plugin embeds within your theme, so it’s the theme that needs to be mobile ready (or you more probably want a ‘responsive’ theme, that supports both mobile and full-website formats.
We provide 2 formats – narrow and wide. This is really to accommodate full-website formats, as some themes have 3 columns (or 2 wide columns) and therefore the recipe photograph and the recipe overview can’t sit side by side.
So for a mobile/responsive view, you will need a theme that supports this, plus you will probably want to set our plugin to use the narrow view – this can be done within the page:
– GetMeCooking Settings
– General Settings
– Do you want to use the wide theme? (untick)Thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GetMeCooking Recipe Template] Localisation, translationsThank you for offering to help with the translation.
If you contact us here to give us your e-mail address, we will send you the required files and information.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GetMeCooking Recipe Template] Localisation, translationsHi Erika,
Thank you for your comments ??
Where did you see the text ‘but we do plan to add support for the free version of our plugin.’?
The ‘General Settings’ section isn’t really intended for translations, it’s there so you can use alternate wording, in the current language used.
The Premium version of our plugin does include true language support. It has currently been translated into these languages:
– Dutch
– English
– German (coming very soon)
– Italian
– Portuguese
– RussianPlease see ‘Multi-language Support’.
We haven’t got it in Swedish yet. If you would be willing to translate it for us, we would be happy to give you a free copy of the Premium plugin. There are about 700 words and phrases to translate.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GetMeCooking Recipe Template] Double contentxLessax – are you using a 3rd party plugin to generate a Sitemap.xml file? If so, you should tell it to exclude /recipes/* folder. You could also add ‘noindex, follow’ to your robots file (see ).
Using the GetMeCooking plugin and WordPress will not present duplicate content to search engines. An example of the indexing generated by Google for the blog is:…1837.8767.1.8911.…1c.1.2.hp._WSfJFT-T0w&psj=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.42080656,d.d2k&fp=8ec4270eec57e3fe&biw=1280&bih=685We take SEO very seriously at GetMeCooking – in fact we were the first recipe plugin to use the recipe format (see and I discussed SEO as part of the presentations that I did at the Food Blogger Connect conferences (the largest Food Blogging Conference in Europe) in London in 2011 and 2012 ( and
Also remember that all upgrades and technical support for the plugin (free and premium versions) is free, so whenever we improve the SEO and performance of the plugin, you will get the updates for free.
The free version of the plugin contains all the SEO and SEM aspects (e.g. recipe), with the exception of additional functionality (e.g. the recipe index and recently added recipes) which will automatically generate and present additional internal links within your blog (good for SEO), as well as be very useful for your visitors.
Please click on ‘Search Engine Optimisation’ for more information.
You can also add your blog to our food blog directory which is free – and we don’t use ‘nofollow’ so you will get a valid reference (e.g. ‘Google juice’) for the link.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GetMeCooking Recipe Template] Categories showing up in navigator barPlease can you try using one of the WordPress default themes and see if it still appears?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GetMeCooking Recipe Template] Categories showing up in navigator barHi kanno1,
Categories don’t need to appear on your blog – they don’t on our demo blog ( which uses the Twenty Eleven theme.
In your WordPress Dashboard, go to:
– Appearance
– WidgetsIf ‘Categories’ is specified in there (on the right hand side of the screen), drag it to the ‘Inactive Widgets’ section at the bottom of the page.
This is standard WordPress functionality, so is not set by the GetMeCooking plugin.