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  • actually I have one problem as many people here, that my albums are not updated… Its frozen with status of August.

    I have reactivated the “FB login” with Granting permission after deinstallation and complete new installation of the plugin… but still the status seems like frozen…

    What’s wrong ? – I get an “error message” of my WP 2.8.6 (all other versions of MySQL etc. are of latest version) as following if I click the “Get the Album” button:

    Fatal error: Uncaught exception \’FB_FacebookRestClientException\’ with message \’Session key invalid or no longer valid\’ in /…/wp-content/plugins/fotobook/facebook-platform/facebookapi_php5_restlib.php:3003 Stack trace: #0 /…/wp-content/plugins/fotobook/facebook-platform/facebookapi_php5_restlib.php(1608): FB_FacebookRestClient->call_method(\’…\’, Array) #1 /…/wp-content/plugins/fotobook/fotobook.php(258): FB_FacebookRestClient->photos_getAlbums(\’1482512238\’, NULL) #2 /…/wp-content/plugins/fotobook/fotobook.php(664): FacebookAPI->update_albums() #3 /…/wp-includes/plugin.php(339): fb_ajax_handler(\’\’) #4 /…/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php(1352): do_action(\’fb_ajax_handler\’, Array) #5 {main} thrown in /…/wp-content/plugins/fotobook/facebook-platform/facebookapi_php5_restlib.php on line 3003

    If anybody should have same problem, as you can read with last posting I had same… I found out of the trap with following instructions:

    Just follow step-by-step and you should get access through the backdoor. I searched long time on the web and it seems the single method to get your dashboard onto the screen…

    Hope you never need it… ??

    Thread Starter techadmin-imconair


    ok, this request can be closed… I found the way to change it… its not too difficult, just time eating to get an understanding for the architecture. And find the right answers…

    For my theme I had to change following four files, using the “Editor” (under “Appearance”) in the dashbord.

    index.php (refers the posts (in short form) on the front page where the author is listed in the footer area)
    page.php (refers all the pages and the header area)
    single.php (after clicking on the topic line of the new posts on the front page the user is routed to a single URL address and can see the fully text and the author (with link to the original source) in the header)
    archive.php (refers to all postings if you click on a category or tag)

    I had to replace the old code <?php the_author() ?>
    by this one: <?php the_author_link(); ?>

    Hereby the link is picked up so fare it exist in the “user&author” profile (dashboard)

    If somebody else should have such troubles, please read here.

    Tks giving attention. TC – Enjoy listening to good music !`

    Thread Starter techadmin-imconair


    if you should ask for the index.php, I copy the code of this theme here:


    <div id=”hitmusic”>
    <h1>Some great Vibrants…</h1>
    <?php hitmusic(); ?>

    <?php broadcast(); ?>

    <?php $count = 0;?>
    <?php query_posts(‘showposts=4’); ?>
    <?php if (have_posts()) : ?>

    <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>

    <div class=”postindex” id=”post-<?php the_ID(); ?>”>

    <h2>” rel=”bookmark” title=”Permanent Link to <?php the_title(); ?>”><?php the_title(); ?></h2>

    <div class=”entry”>
    <?php the_excerpt(__(‘Readmore ?’));?>

    <div class=”spacer”></div>
    <ul class=”post-data”>
    <li class=”comments”>
    <?php comments_popup_link(‘No Comments »’, ‘1 Comment »’, ‘% Comments »’); ?>

    <li class=”posted”>
    <?php the_time(‘F jS, Y’) ?> by <?php the_author() ?> <?php edit_post_link(‘Edit’,”,”); ?>


    <?php comments_template(); ?>
    if($count == 1 ) {
    echo “<div style=’clear:both;’></div>”;}
    $count = $count+1;

    <?php endwhile; else: ?>
    <p><?php _e(‘Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.’); ?></p>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    I have same problem as LadyC0055…

    luckily I just installed it only on a test platform, but anyhow… I cannot go back in the dashboard to the “Themes site” for select another theme which works. Only appears a blank page with the the “fatal server error… on line 15” message.

    I’d like to get back the regular theme as I already had installed different plugins to test on this platform… actually I use wordpress 2.8 …

    Isnt there any manual chance to select another theme ? – Hope so, dont want install the whole wordpress system new.

    Thank’s in advance…

    Thread Starter techadmin-imconair


    why is this request yet unreplied ??????

    same for me… is the tech team of or not able to repair this bug ?

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