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Since your relatively new to it, perhaps deleting and trying 1.9.13, or search for Nextcellent Gallery instead, and go that route, until they sort out this thing.
So, how about:
Download 1.9.13
Edit text file.
Zip back up.
Deactivate 2.x
Use the Install Plugin, upload function.
Activate 1.9.x
Leave 2.x deactivated.
..and in those details, nearly 3 times the code, for what amounts to less functionality because it’s breaking more sites than anything.
Three times the code, three times the bloat, it all may very well be with great intentions. Until it becomes too big and the bread and butter method that many use it, via shared hosting, can no longer support it.
Most people just want to display photos in an organized, easy to search manner. This totally misses that mark.
It’s the successor to “Laziest”. Evolution is taking it’s toll, in more ways than one. ??
Note the unique spelling.
Well.. if you have all those photos in a folderized filesystem.. and you do, if no where else but the WordPress site itself.
A rising star, and it supports you just uploading the files into a filesystem and pointing at it. Pretty simple.
With the PhotoBomb that NGG has become, there’s plenty of opportunity to make the jump to something else.
Someone could do just that, once it’s GPL, you can’t take it back. Tough the effort put into going back and understanding the big ol’ wad of code and mess is better spent starting from scratch.
NGG was already a hodgepodge of patches and hacks based on backwards nomenclature and workflow.
Better to start from scratch. There’s plenty of plugins getting a fresh start.
Viva la Revolution!
This is so screwed up there’s no way they’re going to fix it without starting over.
I just tried it on a second site. Several things didn’t work, I have no idea where to begin. Graphics and functionality just broke all over.Thanks, Alex, for the years of advancement, it wasn’t perfect, but it wasn’t like this.
NGG was the “top of the heap” because it’s one of the oldest, and still was being tended to, but it’s always been a hassle to work with.
Many kept hanging on because of time invested in content, and hoping that they would improve and add features.
Others because there was simply nothing else.
The time is ripe.
It’s sad that Gallery 2 integrated with WordPress has the ability to give a much more integrated experience, though Gallery 2.
The beta testing phase was short, and poorly executed. It’s pretty evident the whole point was to launch the “Pro” version and recoup some loot on this project. Nothing wrong with that on the grand scheme of things, something needs to pay the bills. But that should have come after this was seeded, launched and on it’s way.
I think it’s time to use this opportunity to make a change from NGG and Aperture to something that has Lightroom and WordPress support. There seems to be -a lot- more options there.
Even with 1.9.x, it’s maddening that if I want to create a browsable photo section, by event/topic, I’ve got to have hundreds of page entries in the back end.
Gallery 2 was not like this. One short code and the whole thing was browsable, drill-able up and down, all over.
Reading this .. makes me wonder “what new shortcodes?” they say they don’t use them anymore, and then there are other articles that tend to say different.
This rollout has not been very smooth at all.
I think 3.6 is the least of the problems right now. ??
There’s a heapton of plugins and functionality that is not working.
We did, however, also release a public beta version of NextGEN 2.0. It was available for a month, shareed via blog/email/social media, and downloaded over 1000 times. We got a lot of public beta testing feedback. A lot of the feeback was very positive, and most of the issues were relatively minor. No public beta testers reported the kind of significant conflicts we’ve been seeing here.
Given the public beta testing results, I must say we were surprised at what at the volume and severity of some of the issues and conflicts, and wondering why we didn’t see more indications of this from public testing.
Your beta gave no indication that this was going to happen fairly quickly, and your warning basically said “don’t even think about using this on a production site”, with as long as it took to issue updates since Photocrati took over the project, and the verbiage about the upcoming “Pro” version, which implied it would come along after a release .. that pretty much gave the impression that this testing period was going to go on for a while.
One thing that was discussed a lot over the years was simple navigation among different galleries within a given album. Placing “2013 Activities” on a page, and adding things throughout the year to it, so that all one has to do is look for the main entry point. Drill down into an activity, and then back up again to 2013 and pick something else.
If you have a album for a specific topic, and you want to add more galleries to it as time goes on, you’ve got to make a new page, post, alias.. and it’s about 10 steps to do something that your “competition” has -always- done from the beginning, with simply adding the photos.
Take a look at Gallery 2. It’s a sloth demon, but it’s got functionality that NGG still has not got.
After reading “what still doesn’t work” in the latest beta, stay the heck far away from it.
This really appears to be a quick pushout to generate revenue with ‘Pro’ sales, and nothing more.
Some questions that I can’t find addressed anywhere else:
What happens with custom templates and short codes?
Since one of the blog entries says “short codes are not required” and one of the bug entries says they don’t even work. If you have an installation that is built on these, I’ve got to presume that 2.0 is not for you.
Are there any plans to address the lack of being able to setup a browsable album set where newer added galleries do not need to have pages created for them?
Browsing album contents with typical breadcrumb trail like navigation, that most every other photo gallery solution provides, in NGG is very time consuming and involves theme modifications and other plugin use.
For example, my photo section consists of an album for each year, and a gallery for each activity.
If the user wants to browse 2010, they can pick from the list of albums, but to get back to the list, one has to choose the photo gallery page from the sidebar again, and then the year, and another gallery. There’s no mechanism to just go back a level.
This all works only if you have child pages created for each gallery, who’s parent pages are the album they are in, and those album pages are child pages of the photo gallery page itself.
Which means your “Pages” menu in WordPress is quite populated.
No, nothing. I’ve somewhat learned to live with it, grudgingly.
I might mess with it again.
Between this and the total lack of navigation functions.. shame too, NGG does the rest quite well.
Much less of a bloated resource hog like Gallery 2, and way more usable than Gallery 3.