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  • First of all, you should not use the name access-s2member-ccap- for folder given that it has a special meaning.

    access-s2member-ccap-toto will be accessible by all users having a Custom Capability (you can set this in user profile page) named toto.

    Then, in your case, I think everything is fine because by default, the plugin displays ALL files and folders. When a user clicks on a forbidden file, it will be engaged to buy an access, etc…

    If you want to hide non-accessible files/folders, just add the following option displayall in the shortcode and set its value to 0 :

    [s2member_secure_files_browser dirbase="..." displayall="0"/]

    Hi sagedel,

    I don’t understand what your are looking for. %USERNAME% is already a dynamic placeholder you can put in the shortcode to manager user folders for example.

    Let’s take this example : you give users of your wordpress install the ability to download their invoice for example.

    You can set this folder structure in your plugin/s2member-files folder :

    – …

    Then you just have to set this shortcode in a page for registered users :

    [s2member_secure_files_browser dirbase="%2F%USERNAME%" /]

    With this method :

    username1 will access the plugin/s2member-files/username1 folder only
    zorro will access the plugin/s2member-files/zorro folder only
    – …

    If you prefer set this with email address, you do this :

    [s2member_secure_files_browser dirbase="%2F%USEREMAIL%" /]

    With this method :

    username1 will access the plugin/s2member-files/[email protected] folder only
    zorro will access the plugin/s2member-files/[email protected] folder only
    – …

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