Hello Nicolas, thank you for your kind answer.
1. I uploaded your plugin add-on (the last Drive file) and updated the button ID but the additionnal field appears before the buttton, not in the modal. Is it correct ? Or is there a way to bypass this ? Is this because I’m using a subscription button and not a 1-time-payment ?
2. Is there a hidden way to use your shortcode as a URL ? I’m asking that because i’m using a pricing table and all I can enter under the payment gateway is an URL. So of course I could go with sth like this
<?php if ($pricing_title == ‘Basic’): ?>
$output .= do_shortcode(‘[direct-stripe value=”…”]’ );
<?php endif ?>
<?php if ($pricing_title == ‘Premium’): ?>
I would be way faster if there was a way to replace a shortcode with a link. Not sure if that makes sense.