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  • tcervo


    Ok, here you go:
    add this to your style sheet:
    li#fanlistings ul li { display:inline; }



    I haven’t actually looked at your code…I went to your site and there were no icons under fanlistings, so I don’t really know what you’re referring to…
    display:inline is intended for lists, so if your icons were being marked up as a list, display:inline would work…you just need to make sure you’re defining the correct selector.
    As for float…it works fine in Mozilla, in fact it works better in Mozilla than in most browsers. Of course, it can be used incorrectly in any browser.
    If you’ve removed the icons, can you put them back in so we can see what the problem is?



    As long as you have the required php calls, you can build your site any way you want (tables, frames, or css+xhtml). There’s no shortage of opinions on why css+xhtml is the preferred method, but it’s by no means a requirement.



    THe (‘,’) is a parameter that you’re passing to the the_category() category (say that 5 times fast!) It’s a separator. You’re telling the function to separate categories with a comma, instead of the default which is an unordered list.



    Ok, here’s the scoop:
    First, and this is probably just left over from experimenting with the different style sheets, but you’re calling your style sheet twice. The first time is using the @import directive, the second time is using a link. So, delete the second one:
    (note: backup your index.php first, just in case you delete something on accident)
    <link href=”wp-layout.css ” rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” />
    (delete this line from index.php)
    Now, go ahead and link to the darkfire css file that you’ve uploaded to your site. For example, you might change the @import from wp-layout.css to darkfire.css (or whatever you called it.)
    <style type=”text/css” media=”screen”>
    @import url(darkfire.css);
    Now, move everything from <div id=”content”> down to the two closing </div> tags, just before <p class=”credit”>, up to near the top, just under the heading. In other words, move the content div up so that it comes before the menu div. This shouldn’t matter, but it does.
    Ok, so now let’s look at the menu div. A small bit of errant code was causing the main problems. Let’s fix those:
    Find the part just after the calendar. Replace everything in-between the closing

    • tag after the calendar, to the opening <li id=”meta”> (In other words, the Webrings and Blogger Directories sections). Put this instead:
      <li id=”webrings”>Webrings

    <li id=”bloggerdirectories”>Blogger Directories

    Ok, that should do it. Everything seems to work, except your second link is really long, so it overflows into the content area. I’m sure that could be fixed, though…



    To tighten up the spacing of the categories in your sidebar, first change your index.php to reflect this:
    <ul class=”categories”>
    <?php list_cats(0, ‘All’, ‘name’); ?>

    As it stands now, you’re outputing list items, but they’re not enclosed in a list (ul or ol). So, by wrapping your category li’s in an unordered list, with a class of categories, you can then style away…
    In your lookingglass.css file, just play with the ul.categories li selector:
    ul.categories li { margin-top: 0.5em; margin-bottom: 0.5em; }
    (Those are just examples. Play around until you get it the way you want.)

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: text colour


    He, he…opintions are like (you know the rest). And I, like many others, have an opinion.
    For learning CSS I would check out some CSS tutorials (perhaps at,,,, and many others). I would also suggest some good books such as Eric Meyer on CSS, and Designing with Web Standards.
    I wouldn’t suggest a beginner go to Although that’s the standards body that publishes the specs, the specifications are difficult for newbies to read, let alone comprehend. Plus, they don’t discuss difficulties with the way different browsers handle certain tags, etc. The specifications are more for those building applications (like the Moz/Firefox team, for example) to ensure their products work as the specifications say they should…not for beginners to learn CSS.
    That’s my 2-cents, anyway.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: my-hacks.php?


    It needs to be created. It’s only applicable if you will be installing hacks (code that’s not part of the default installation.) So, just create a blank page and name it my-hacks.php, then add any hacks to that page.



    If you add
    ol#comments li { list-style: none; }
    to wp-layout.css, you should be alright. But, you’ll need to change your wp-comments template back to using <ol id=”comments”> instead of ul…



    Add the following to your style sheet:
    ol#comments li { list-style: none; }
    That will get rid of the numbering. You may also want to experiment with margin-left to control how much they’re indented.
    (Of course, you’ll want to change back from ul to ol in the template…just because the comments actually *are* ordered.)
    For the date, also in your wp-comments.php file, find <?php comment_date() ?>

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Comment atribute


    If I’m not mistaken, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (which gives your A, AA, or AAA ratings) wants you to use title attributes on links when more than one link on a page points to the same id.
    So, since all the comment links end in #comment, the comment links should have a title. For example:
    Is that what you mean, Petter?



    This will work:
    In wp-comments-popup:
    <?php if ($comments) { ?>
    <?php foreach ($comments as $comment) { ?>
    <ol id=”comments”>
    <li id=”comment-<?php comment_ID() ?>”>
    <?php comment_text() ?>
    Posted by <?php comment_author_link() ?> on <?php comment_date() ?> @ <?php comment_time() ?>

    <?php } // end for each comment ?>
    <?php } else { // this is displayed if there are no comments so far ?>
    No comments yet.
    <?php } ?>
    In your style sheet, add:
    div.logbody p {margin-bottom: 0.5em; margin-top: 0.5em;}
    ol#comments li { margin-bottom: 1.5em; }
    If you don’t want the comment numbers, add list-style: none; to the ol#comments li definition. Plus, you can experiment with the top and bottom margins to get them how you want…



    Add the following to your style sheet: li { list-style: none; }



    Actually, what I just posted will change the font size for the comments that people have left…if you want to change the actual comment *form*, then add:
    #commentform { font-size: 1.2em; }



    Simply add the following definition to your wp-layout.css file:
    #commentlist { font-size: 1.2em; }

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