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  • Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: New website …


    The WP policy set out in a very thoughtful article by Matt is to discourage spammers from linking their sites automatically.

    Which, I think, is why the Wiki site submission page doesn’t accept submissions anymore…correct? Just wanted to clarify.



    The cite tag is used for citations or references

    Cite: Contains a citation or a reference to other sources.

    I’ve marked up that blockquote with cite=”W3C” (although I could have also put the URI to the page where that quote exists).
    The title of a movie, Lord of the Rings for example, shouldn’t be marked up using cite unless you’re citing the movie. For example:

    My Precious…

    The very lovely uber blockquotes hack puts the cite and title attributes under blockquotes, but that’s off topic. The bottom line, if I’m understanding the W3C specs correctly, is that em should be used in this particular situation (providing emphasis to the title.)



    Ok, let’s start back at the beginning: you wanted to know how to keep the “Filed under:” categories from showing up on separate lines with bullets, right? You want them all on the same line, with no bullets?
    You mean like the “Filed under:” categories here?:
    Notice the categories after Filed Under: are all on the same line, and without bullets, yet they are marked up as a list. This is, in fact, done with CSS. However, since you said you used your own css file (and possible template?), it’s hard for us to know where the problem is occuring in your CSS file. I could tell you how *I* did it, but that might not help you…
    So, again, if you give us a link to check out, we could solve this problem in about 5 minutes or less.



    If you end up encoding your italics for the sake of validity, you might want to use instead for the same reason. The <i> tag is deprecated in favor of (which is short for emphasis).



    Also, by putting <!–more–> on a new line, with a line between the previous text, it will always close your tags:
    <div id=”blah>
    lorem ipsum yadda yadda
    <! — more — >
    lorem ipsum yadda yadda

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Guiding SearchBots


    Just curious though, can you you do a
    if($p || $cat || $m)
    {where || stands for “OR”} ?

    Yes, absolutely…I use or (||) frequently.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Guiding SearchBots


    $p is a variable that holds the post id. So, when you go to an individual post page, $p should have the post id for that post. If it doesn’t exist, then you’re most likely not on an individual post page.
    I’m not sure how this works when using mod_rewrite (since I’m not using it), but I know it’s passed as a URL parameter otherwise. So, you click on a permalink it should have $p={post_id} in the URl after the index.php….



    Yes, I did try using list style in CSS file and it didn’t work either.

    Chances are you were not specifying the correct *specific* instance of li in your CSS file. Several others have had that problem, and 100% of the time it’s been incorrectly defined selectors in the CSS file.
    If you post your URL, we can have a look at your source code and CSS file and help you out…
    It’s really quite simple to get rid of the bullets and/or output everything on one line, but without seeing your code it’s very difficult to help.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Amazon Media Manager 1.1


    When you use “build a link” in the Amazon associates section of their site, the links they build for you link directly to Amazon for the images…so I’m thinking no, they won’t care, particularly if it’s an associate doing the linking.



    After it times out, if you go back to your blog, does it reflect the changes?
    I frequently get timeouts (about one out of every three times I post), but if I go back and check my blog, it actually posted fine.



    Ok, here’s the issue in a nutshell: the middle background image (mid.png) is associated with the content div, so when the content ends, so does the background image. The bottom background image is associated with the credit class, which is not necessarily at the bottom.
    To get around this, you may want to restructure your content…The way I’ve done this in the past is to place a vertical repeating background on the rap div (which I rename container because it makes more sense to me). Then I put the header in it’s own div, rather than simply applying an id to the h1 tag. The menu div remains, but I create a footer div (to replace the credit class) to put the footer in, complete with its own background. This way, even though my sidebar and content areas aren’t the same length, my background image always spans the entire length and my footer is always *after* both the sidebar and content, instead of simply being tacked on to the bottom of the content.
    I hope that makes some sort of sense…I’ve got to run, so I don’t have time to make it as coherent as it should be ??
    You can see an example of this type of layout here:
    And another example (but with an extra container div to acheive the shadow effect) can be seen here:



    Hmmm…I’m getting a *very* different page with Firefox than I am with Mozilla or IE. Both Moz and IE are calling this style sheet:
    While Firefox is calling this style sheet:
    It can’t be a cache issue, since I’ve never visited your pages before….
    Oh wait, nevermind. Now IE is showing the xtool style also. Is this dynamic? I’ve tried refresh/reload many times, but can’t get the true-blue style back…
    Also, the clock doesn’t display in Mozilla or Firefox…IE only. The background image isn’t breaking in Moz or Firefox, but is in IE.
    Anyway, don’t have any answers for you, just trying to figure out which one is the problem (true-blue, xtool, or both?).



    Checked it on Firefox Mac, IE 5.2 Mac, and Safari…Looks fine.



    “Do you have any objections to using a bg image or do you want *pure* css. “
    Not to be picky, but I wouldn’t want those new to CSS to get the wrong idea: background images are very much *pure* CSS. The background property (and all its sub-properties like background-image, etc) are very much a part of the official CSS specifications. The middle “S” stands for “Sytle”, after all ??
    The whole idea of CSS is to separate style (presentation) from content.
    I do, however, understand Anon’s point about background images (at least I *think* I know what he/she was referring to.) Sometimes, in a 3-column layout, if the middle column is longer than the side columns (has more content), any background color assiciated with a side column (to create a sidebar effect) will stop at the end of the sidebar data. So, many designers will place a background image on the entire “wrapper”, that will have a different color the width of the sidebar(s).
    Now, on to some resources. These are just some examples that I’ve found, aside from just seeing how others have done it. I make no claims as to how well these work. You’ll want to experiment in as many situations/browsers as you can:



    To add to flakkito’s comment:
    It’s also a good idea to include a “jump to” section at the top of your document, so when viewed from a cellphone, pda, text browser, speech browser, etc., the visitor can jump straight to the content, navigation, or whatever. This is sometimes referred to as a “skip links” section, but I don’t like that name because it assumes you’re ordering your links before your content. Here’s an example that I use:
    In index.php, just after my header (although some people might put it just before the header…to each his/her own):
    <div id=”skipNav”>
    Skip to content | Skip to Category Links | Skip to Search
    </div><!– closes skipNav –>

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