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  • Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: Yet Another Blog!

    I like the overall design, but here are a few comments (just my opinion)…
    * I can’t read the text. The color is too light. (It’s passable on my PC, barely visible on my Mac, and darn-near invisible on my laptop.)
    * Your link-exchanges are spilling over into the content area (in Mozilla/Firefox, and Safari)
    * Also, the hover on your links causes them to blend into the background.
    * I would recommend moving the CSS that’s currently in your head section into a separate file, then linking to it. That way, it can be cached.
    Hope this helps,

    You need to have an opening UL in your index.php. If you look at your source, you’ll see the following:
    <div id=”menu”>
    <li id=”navigation”>Navigation
    …(rest of menu stuff)
    So, you need to have:
    <div id=”menu”>

      <li id=”navigation”>Navigation
    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to:

    Blocked by SmartFilter Content Filter…
    Guess I’ll have to wait until I get home to check it out.

    For some reason, I don’t see an opening UL before your list of links in the menu section. Just after the div id=”menu”, you have li id=”category”…there should be an opening ul before the first li.
    Then, try setting the list-type to an image just on #menu ul li. If it’s still giving you an image on the nested lists, then style #menu ul li ul li as list-style: none.
    See if that helps,

    Bad Weblog names:
    * Anything ending in “Pundit” (a good indicator that they’ll be polemic and unenlightening, no matter what political viewpoint they have)
    * Anything containing “Rant”, e.g. “Julie’s Rants” (a good sign they’ll be boring)
    * Anything containing the word “musings” (yep, they’ll be boring too)

    How about anything attempting to be a clever, but cliche, play on words…like “doubting thomas”?

    I haven’t had time to peek at your code, but I can say I’ve had similar problems in the past, particularly with IE pushing the right content down to the bottom. In my case, it was IE making the center div too wide…try adjusting the width until you find a setting that works in IE, then perhaps the box model hack (Google it…) will be a solution. (Again, I have no idea if this is the same issue, but it sure sounds similar…)

    Nice and clean, and I love the logo…(BTW, the fonts look fine. If you like Verdana or Lucida Grande, then use Verdana or Lucida Grande. As a reader, I don’t get to tell Sports Illustrated what font to use…As long as it degrades nicely for systems that don’t have that font, it’s fine…)

    You forgot to add:
    How to be an unhelpful nimrod while maintaining your anonymity
    Although, I see you’ve already mastered that chapter…

    I believe the one you’re looking for (in wp-layout.css) is this:
    #menu ul {
    color: #ccc;

    Just change the #ccc; to something darker, say #999; maybe? Anything will do, as long as you can see it…just experiment.

    Actually, hacking (changing) index.php is encouraged now that I think about it. The WP docs contain information about the various template tags and their parameters. This information is there so we can *use* it. The way we use it, is to change it in our index.php.
    Now, if you always want your blog(s) to have the default functionality, with no changes, then you’ll need to avoid editing index.php. I think for most people, that’s not the case, however. I’ve seen a lot of WP blogs, and almost all of them have changed something from the default.
    So far (since 1.01), I’ve been successful in keeping my modified index.php throughout various upgrades…the functions I’m using in index.php seem to be called in the same way, and they don’t really care how I wrap my divs or id my headers, so it’s been a safe process…

    If you’re talking about the database tables, they are created for you during the install.

    I’ve tested this type of solution in all the major (and most minor) browsers…works fine. It doesn’t work in v4 browsers, but then most of us are not serving them style sheets anyway. The nice thing about any browser that doesn’t get the style, is they will see a regular HTML horizontal rule instead (which serves the purpose of breaking up the individual posts).
    And I do agree with anon that trying to limit changes to the index.php file is a good thing. Sometimes, though, it just makes sense to do so. A good idea might be to preface any addition or change with a comment <– added by me –> so that when a new major upgrade comes along, if your old index.php isn’t working, you can easily find and add back the little changes (like adding an hr tag) to the new and improved index.php.

    Actually, you may want to use category id’s instead of titles…otherwise, you couldn’t have category titles of more than one word. (I’ve always done this with specific id’s I’ve defined, rather than trying to use a category name or something.)

    Just when I was about to start coding my Mayan Calendar Hack, you go and dash my hopes and dreams ??

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: wp-People


    This hack looks good, but I haven’t had time to install it yet. Maybe next week…

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