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Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: OT: WordPress site: Are you using s script for heaOh, I just noticed the “on certain dates” part of the original question. You could use the same basic idea (load the image dynaically), but instead of calling randomimage.php, call a different script. This could simply compare the current date against a list (or array?) of predetermined “special” days, then load the appropriate graphic…otherwise it would load a default image.
-TonyForum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: OT: WordPress site: Are you using s script for heaI’m using a script to change my header graphic randomly each time you reload the page (or visit another page/post.)
Here’s what I do:
(I’m going to step through this backward…)
In my index.php file, right after I load my main stylesheet, I load the header style sheet as a PHP file. (Thanks to Dunstan Orchard at 1976design for the tip on using a dynamic PHP file as a style sheet.) This sheet contains ONLY the header declaration (be sure to take that part out of your main style sheet…) Here’s how I call the header style sheet:
<style type=”text/css” media=”screen”>@import “<?php echo $siteurl; ?>/tc-header-css.php”;</style>
(Notice the .php extention.)
Now, let’s have a look at the tc-header-css.php file itself:
The first thing is to declare the output as CSS (thanks again to Dunstan):
<?php // declare the output of the file as CSS
header(‘Content-type: text/css’);
Next (and last) is the style declaration that includes a call to a randomize function:
div#header { height: 123px; background: url(images/headers/<?php include $abspath.’images/headers/randomimage.php’; ?>) no-repeat 0 0; }
That’s it for the header style sheet. Now, in my /images/headers/ directory, I drop in any graphics I’d like to use as header graphics, along with the radomimage.php file.
randomimage.php is fairly straightforward:
$path = “images/headers/”;
$handle = opendir($path);
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if(ereg(“.jpg$|.gif$”, $file)) {
$filelist[] = $file;
$count = count($filelist);
$arraynum = $count-1;
<?php echo “$filelist[$randnum]”; ?>
That’s it!
You can see it in action at
-TonyForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sorting posts alphabeticallyProblem solved, but in a roundabout way:
(This also solved my cats as headings, sub-cats as links issue –
I’m not displaying my categories at all. Instead, I simply set up a link category to match each category. Then, I create a link for each sub-category and assign it to the proper link cateogory. The uri of the link will include the category id and sort information.
For example, if I have a sub-category of “Italian” in the category of “Region”, I create the following link:
Name: Italian
URI: /index.php?cat=33&orderby=title&order=ASC
Cateogry: Region
Then, I simply use get_links_list() in place of list_cats(), and I’ve killed two birds with one stone! Since I’m not using any outside links at this point, get_links_list() will work just fine. If I decide later to add links, it’ll simply be a matter of building my fake “category” section using get_linksbyname, then building the “links” section somewhere else using the same method.
Wish there was another way, but I’ll take it.
-TonyForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: HELP! my admin functions have gone away…Ok, thanks…I didn’t think it was converting tabs to spaces, but that’s what must have happened. I re-edited in emacs, and all is working fine now.
TonyForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: HELP! my admin functions have gone away…Has anybody been successful in allowing users with a 1 or 2 admin level to create/edit links? If so, what was the trick?
-TonyForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: HELP! my admin functions have gone away…Well, I’ve got my proper admin screens back (just re-downloaded 1.0.1 and copied over the wp-admin folder.)
But, I still can’t get link-categories to work right:
I’ve set links_minadminlevel to 1
and links_use_adminlevels to TRUE
No dice. A user cannot get the ability to manage links until I set them to level 5, which gives them a bunch of stuff I don’t want them to have.
-TonyForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sorting posts alphabetically*bump*
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WP Blacklist Comment SPAM FilterationCool. I got my first comment spam today. Deleted it fairly quick, then installed LL’s hack. I tried posting a comment merely *mentioning* who the spam came from, and the blacklist filter caught it. Thanks, LL!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Scalability for Thousands of PostsAnother (less expensive) enterprise CMS, CrownPeak Advantage, has a similar model (WORM.) Everything is stored in the database, and they keep a changelog (record of delta’s). When a page is updated, added, or removed…that page and any that it affects are pushed back out as static pages. It works great and is very scaleable.
Of course, I use WP for blogging, not enterprise content management…I do see the benefits, though, of writing pages out statically until they change…posted to the permalink directory structure.
-TonyForum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: WordPress for static pages?I would recommend Macromedia Contribute…it’ll allow you to easily edit static HTML pages, no database required.
-TonyForum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: OT Help: Can an Ipods XML be viewed on website?I use Tunes2HTML, and it works great. I’m still ripping my collection, so I haven’t posted the results online yet…plus I’m hacking the code to get compliant 0utput (and better integration with my site.) Here’s the script:
-TonyForum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Good Web HostFree or cheap hosts like 1and1 are all well and good, but the original poster’s requirements were to have “100+ MB of space, CFMX, PHP, MySQL, Access” amongst other things…1and1 (as well as the others I’ve seen listed here) do NOT offer CFMX…and certainly not in combination with PHP/MySQL…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Categories: Main cat unlinked – subs linked. Can wWell, here’s another take…based on how I’d like to see it work:
When I click on a parent category, I’d like to be able to get just those posts in the parent…not including the children. As it stands, I get ALL posts from the parent category down. I was attempting to get around the parent cat/link problem by creating a simple “What this category does” post for each parent category, then making sure regular posts are linked ONLY to sub-cats…no direct linking to the parent. One of the benefits to this is the parent category no longer shows up in the “Filed Under” section of the post, so it makes more sense now…
However, when I click on a parent category, I still get all the sub-cat posts.
-TonyForum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Good Web HostI think the key request you have is CFMX support. Hosts that offer PHP/MySQL are a dime a dozen, and cheap. Likewise, you can find plenty that offer CFMX. Finding one that offers CFMX *and* PHP/MySQL is a bit tougher (and very difficult for under $10.) The reason is simple: most PHP/MySQL hosts are on Linux, while most CFMX hosts are on Windows.
The host I use offers many packages, both Linux and Windows. The CFMX package I have includes:
150MB, 6GB bandwidth, 5 domains, 10 domain aliases, 10 subdomains, 40 POP3 accounts, 50 mail forwards, 10 FTP accounts, 10 databases/ODBC DSN’s, and 25MB of SQL Server space. I can use SQL Server 2000, MySQL, or Access (in any combination up to 10 databases).
All accounts include ASP, ColdFusion MX, Perl, PHP, CGI-BIN, MIME Type Editor, Custom Error Pages, DNS Editor, LiveStats V6. FrontPage Extensions or ASP.NET can be enabled if desired.
The plan I have is $20/month.
They do have a $12/month plan with 50MB, 2GB bandwidth, 2 domains, etc. You only get 2 databases, but they can be any of the aforementioned types.
Here’s the link: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I can’t LogInHave you tried quitting your browser then opening it again? Sounds crazy, but that worked for me once…force-refresh wasn’t doing it, but quitting seemed to work.
Maybe worth a try.