Forum Replies Created
hi Carles!
Now the lines appears after i set the permissions to the tmp/chart.png images to 767. any way it all works fine now.
Thank you very much!
HasanHi Carles!
Well, i used both methods, manually and auto submits, but there’s no lines in the graphic for both sendings ok and errors.
Thanks a lot!
HasanHi Carles!
just i want to say that i love KNEWS so much because it gives me all what i can look for in a newsletter plugin, and above all, you’re a great person actually by dedicating that much time for the support.
About that issue, I’m referring to the sendings ok and errors tabs in the graphic, if you click on those tabs, you won’t see the blue lines (sending ok) or the red for errors, even in the screenshot from the plugin page, you shall see gray, green , and “light blue” lines (Unsubscriptions). but there’s no blue or red lines.
i do have the gray , green , and light blue lines also drawn..
any way it’s not a problem , it’s just my observation.
Thanks and wish all the best
HasanHi Carles!
Thanks for the patch, it actually fixes the sent and submits results issue, but still doesn’t draw statics lines in the diagram for the sending ok and error.
by the way, is it possible to collect emails for the can’t read clicks??Ok, i will test it and i will report back later.
Hasan Yousefi don’t think it’s a problem with the site I’m running, i can see the same issue in the screenshots from the plugin page, the problem doesn’t actually bother me at all, i just wanna ask why is that happening.