9 years, 11 months ago
Did you set callback url in Flicker app page?
10 years, 7 months ago
I think it’s possible if you edit the style.css of the theme. How about that?
10 years, 8 months ago
Hi, Shane
I want to try the latest version (v1.9.18) if possible, but the version of wordpress is old?
What do you using version?
10 years, 10 months ago
Not use WordPress admin console when install plugin? I will grant group write permission to cache directory next release.
and same wordpress?
Your mean another domain is another server? or another wordpress?
I tried windows 2008, apache2.
1. wp-flickr-press install and configuration. 2. Awesome Flickr Gallery install and configuration.
All Successfuly.
Please retry wp-flickr-press and Awesome Flickr Gallery uninstall and install and configuration.
I have test server is mac or linux. Check processing on windows 2008.
Your server is windows? Please tell me OS, php version, wordpress version, apache( or IIS? ) version
You don’t flickr app setting CallbackURL?
What callback url flickr app?
Impossible If you do not stop the plug-in.
Or, should work normally following if it is bug fixes. Awesome Flickr Gallery: Responsive Flickr Gallery:
Please stop temporarily these plugins. wp-flickr-press oauth process not work when enabled these plugins.
This is 1 plan ( 1-3 procedure ).