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  • Thread Starter tasty.donuts


    Arg dangit WP doesn’t support iFrames…

    Any benefit lost by this???

    Are you trying to insert into a post? Having an issue where code like that keeps disappearing, have you figured this out yet (please let me know!!!)

    If not you can probably use the “old” version of the code that could help. It looks like this:

    <object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=";rel=0″></param><param name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true”></param><param name=”allowscriptaccess” value=”always”></param><embed src=”; type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowscriptaccess=”always” allowfullscreen=”true” width=”560″ height=”340″></embed></object>1

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: post(ing) issues

    Just a shot in the dark here but did anything change within your permalink structure a ways back that would cause a 404? How about any plugins that might have changed the Post Order for some feature (for some reason I have found that these plugins can sometimes change *other* parts of your posts and if you used one but stopped that might have messed them up.

    Don’t spend too much time on these, just general areas I’ve found problems like this.

    Hi Otto thank you very much and two questions about that —

    First am I just downloading all of the plugin files from this /trunk/ site and then putting them up in the FTP of the folder? Is this some pre-release version of the plugin (sorry I’m just a noob at this).

    Also: do I need to be running my site in HTTPS to make this work?

    Any luck with this? I am having the same issue on my blog w/and without Simple Facebook Connect which makes me think it’s some kind of issue on Facebook’s end, or maybe WP end?!

    Let me guess: you’re using Chrome or Safari?

    Are you getting a FB.getLoginStatus() called before calling FB.init()

    Wish this did the trick but no dice.

    I have removed the <script src=""></script> from both the part of the loop that inserts the “Like” button as well as the embed code in the sidebar widget that creates the “Activity Feed.” They (Like button and Activity Feed) both load just fine, and I can confirm that in the settings for Facebook Comments that it is indeed set to

    Include Facebook JavaScript SDK (This should be checked unless you’ve manually included the SDK elsewhere)

    In fact all of those options are checked. I am still getting both the FB.getLoginStatus() called before calling FB.init() and the Domains, protocols and ports must match. error.

    I feel that there is something with the plugin and the theme I am using that is not letting the right things load at the right times or is getting confused by the fact that the comments want the permalink URL instead of the URL of the comment box on the page. Is there a way to get the init to happen sooner or change how the plugin gets the URL for the Javascript so that it doesn’t have errors in Chrome and Safari?

    Thank you thinkswan. I have donated to your plugin page at

    I’d really like to think it’s a plugin but unfortunately there are no other plugins on the blog that I have Activated. So I am not convinced that there isn’t something I’m doing wrong with the implementation of the comments on my devel site.

    Chrome is also throwing the error:

    Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL from frame with URL Domains, protocols and ports must match.

    Doesn’t seem like this is related to having another Facebook script embedded on the page, and since I don’t use plugins for my other Facebook stuff I don’t know what is throwing this off.

    However I do I have a “Like” button that displays below the meta-information for the post in the main loop area that I added to the .PHP file myself. Also, there is a text widget in the sidebar that is displaying an Activity Feed. Could just embedding the code w/o a plugin cause this?

    The widget code is:

    <script src=""></script><fb:activity site="" width="250" height="300" header="true" colorscheme="dark" font="arial" recommendations="false"></fb:activity>

    My active plugins are:

    Breacrumb NavXT
    Custom Permalinks
    Dynamic Widgets
    Query Posts
    Video Thumbnails

    Safari doesn’t load the Comments either.

    Thank you for your time and for updating the plugin, cannot wait to see it in action!

    Hi DanMichel,

    Are you using a plugin to display these buttons or some code in the loop? I am doing the latter (code in the loop) and I am having this issue though only for Chrome and Safari it seems (works in Firefox).

    Thanks DanMichel thanks thinkswan (for the update, hopefully this will help!)

    What browser / OS are you using. I’m getting that too with a FB.getLoginStatus() called before calling FB.init(). in Chrome (OSX 10.6.6).

    Unfortunately my Facebook Comments is not displaying and I am getting an annoying getLoginStatus() called before calling FB.init(). in Chrome (OSX 10.6.6). I believe it also is not loading in Safari. Is there some way I can get it to load in these browsers? Supporting them is really important.

    Thank you!

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