Just upgraded to WP 3.8.1, had the same problem (no maintenance page showing even though maintenance is ON and I am not logged in).
Tried to delete the plugin, reinstalled it, made sure no cache plugin was enabled… But still, no luck.
1) and 2) : Email notifications are definitely planned for the coming version.
3) User management will stay simple in the free version. We’re thinking about a pro version in which you will give rights per users and not per group. More on that soon.
4) Yep, we will work on that one.
So you’re creating a task and wonder why other people who have access to the project can’t see the task. Maybe this task is in “draft” status ?
If so, simply change it to “in progress” and the task will be available to other users.
Hi. Yes you can change the default view from projects in progress, tasks in progress or recent updates. We’re going to add an option for all tasks and all projects in the next version.