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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Atahualpa, how to edit line above postsErr.. Someone just told me!
It was at the “next/previous” pagination settings
Thanks nevertheless.In any case I neglected to thank you all for your replies.
All I want is to have a clear picture of what’s going on and to be fare with all, including my server and host provider. The problem is that thee way they phrased things they’ve seem to have exculpated themselfs of all blame and placed it on WordPress.Do they add similar code to joomla or drupal settings?
They, the host provider, seem to have a methodology to erradicate the problem, a problem that semingly only affects WP. I′ve been told many times that the problem is not WP, then, how comes only WP users seem to be affected?
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: base 64 code injector preventerThanks Rich.
I’ll check it out straight away.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Admin page redirection to https://www4.in-scalefeed.in/?p=p52…??
Ta James.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Admin page redirection to https://www4.in-scalefeed.in/?p=p52…You seem to have it all!! ?? the weather and the good hosting providers.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: base 64 code injector preventerThank you James.
I will certaily check vaultpress out. Without wanting to open a door to free advertising, is there any host providers that could be recommended in the UK? I read a couple of articles about choosing a host provider throuhgh links provided by members of this forum; has someone done a selection of good candidates in the UK? The Wp recomendations I checked out are all in the US…
Once more, many thanks.Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: base 64 code injector preventerI undrestand Ipstenu. I was expressing a desire: not to have to bother and espend so much time having to deal with those nuisances. Still, maybe one day someone will tink of something that makes WordPress users, and the parcel of hosting they run, inmune.
I really like WordPress and I don’t like my webhost, myserveworld.net, which, by the way has had a call today and heard that I will not be renewing my account. I had this type of infectons regularly for a year or longer and has put my off my blog and webpages because the preciuos time I have for them was spent dealing with hacks and infections.
The reason I like WordPress is because it seems that lots o people care about it solve problems, make improovements and enable people like me to run useful websites.Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: base 64 code injector preventerI hope someone can write a plug in that prevents base64 injections. Is the Nth time I get an AV alert and fins all over the php files base 64 code.
WP e-commerce can be configured manually. The order can be collected at checkout and sent. Its received at admin where availability, payment arrngements, P&P and taxes can be dealt with over email.
It seems simple and obvious enough but I didn’t know untill I got the whole thing going and tested.
I know, it may just be really dumb… but here it is the info just in case others ask the same Qs.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Admin page redirection to https://www4.in-scalefeed.in/?p=p52…I found base64 code on the files (for the nth time!)
Thanks a lot for your help James (and WP community in gen)
fForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Appending a SQL Database to an existing SQL databaseI don’t know if this is bad etiquette…
But I’m quitting myserverworld.net because I’ve been having one attack after another and concluded that most probably the server is not safe (caveat: I’m no expert, but I’ve been through the process a few times, put in place all recommendations and regularly get hit).
Julian, I’m not 100% sure if you mean that you’re also leaving myserverworld or joining them.
Could you clear that point for me?
Thanks and I really hope I’m not interfearing.
ferForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Admin page redirection to https://www4.in-scalefeed.in/?p=p52…Ah!
Ok. Any idea of what to look for in particular (or where is described on some the existing docimentation)?
Thanks nevertheless.By the way it’s a decission taken: I’m changing servers. I know there are a few recomenmdations on WP.org but, (Err.. you sound like you’re in Britain!..) any over here in the UK that can be recommended?
The other thing, is Im off to do a search on the support files for myserverworld.net /.comThanks a lot for your help
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Admin page redirection to https://www4.in-scalefeed.in/?p=p52…Thanks James,
Where can I see the code injection so at least I can throw it to the Servers sales and mainteinance (not literally, but someone has to tell then how much pain it is to have this every 2 0 3 months!)