Forum Replies Created

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  • Thread Starter tapiohuuhaa


    Ok. Apparently [my_forum] doesn’t work inside normal page content because it does not have necessary priority because it works after the content using higher priority.

    I prefer using Code Snippet plugin, but it might not work if I would like to use my shortcodes inside normal contents.

    Thread Starter tapiohuuhaa


    About difference of echo and return I get different result. Now I get rid of creating double the same code (if I must change the code, it is now easier).

    function change_the_content($content) {

    $content = $content . $toTop.myforums().$adblockInfo.toBottom2();
    return $content;
    If I would have put “echo $content” the result would be the same.

    add_shortcode( ‘my_forums’, ‘myforums’ );
    function myforums(){

    return $forums;
    replacing some content with [my_forums] and using
    add_filter( ‘the_content’, ‘change_the_content’, 10 );

    really works. I could use either “myforums()” or “[my_forums]”

    Thank’s. The shortcode definition was OK because with higher priority it worked.

    function tap_add_breadcrumb () {
    … $result = $toTop.$mytext.$adBlockInfo.myforums();
    echo $result;
    add_action( ‘bbp_template_after_forums_index’ , ‘tap_add_breadcrumb’);

    In this case I must put “echo $result;”, because using “return $result” I didn’t get additional content. In this situation, [my_forums] didn’t work and it can’t be used as replacement for string variable or function myforums().

    It can’t be used inside ordinary contents.

    Thread Starter tapiohuuhaa


    change_the_content just returns the $content and after that is has been used with the filter function

    add_filter( ‘the_content’, ‘change_the_content’ );

    I just tried to use shortcode as if a string variable inside some text.
    But that seems not work. Apparently it must some other way run through add_filter

    I tried also add [my_forums] inside ordinary text, but didn’t get the shortcode contents.

    A weird issue, I don’t understand is that if I use

    return $content.$variable.myfunction();
    myfunction() has been put before the normal content.

    It does in fact has some advance. I can with simple function add something to the top.
    Is the some command, which force functions to be rendered first?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by tapiohuuhaa.

    You should edit the CSS file. It is too difficult to try just override it with your own CSS file because of @media rules. Take a copy first from the oginal code.

    Just move the CSS for fixed box in the bottom of the screen out from @media … (max-width:767px) {…
    and put it only inside
    @media screen {

    Then take off all CSS, which relates with the bottom bar from @media… (min-width:768px) {…

    Normally just overriding CSS is good idea but in these kinds of situations that is not a good idea.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by tapiohuuhaa.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by tapiohuuhaa.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by tapiohuuhaa.
    Thread Starter tapiohuuhaa



    .storefront-primary-navigation span::before,
    .storefront-primary-navigation span::after {
    background-color:rgb(34,30,32) !important;

    .storefront-primary-navigation {

    color:rgb(34,30,32) !important;
    background-color:#fff !important;
    really solved the problem and I get colors, which I intended.
    Thank’s. I just can’t understand the behaviors of ::before/::after and I would not ever test (almost) black as background-color.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by tapiohuuhaa.
    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [bbp style pack] Dash icons
    Thread Starter tapiohuuhaa


    In this support site forum looks quite nice. I just proposed that people would easily create as nice forums.

    Thread Starter tapiohuuhaa


    Sorry – I get the 720x1280px layout fixed.

    But I don’t understand why for 340×480 handheld this doesn’t work as I expect:

    @media screen and (max-width:320px) {
    header#masthead {height:100px;background-size:contain;}
    .site-title,.site-title a {height:100px;width:100%;}
    .entry-content h1 {font-size:1.5rem !important;}
    body.home #content .entry-content .n2-section-smartslider {margin-left:-39px;width:300px !important}
    .storefront-primary-navigation {
    position:fixed;bottom:42px !important;width:100%;
    .storefront-primary-navigation span::before,
    .storefront-primary-navigation {color:rgb(34,30,32) !important}
    .storefront-primary-navigation {
    position:fixed !important;
    bottom:0px !important;
    left:0px !important;
    height:70px !important;
    border-radius:0% !important;
    -web-kit-border-radius:0% !important;
    border-width:2px 0 0 0 solid !important;
    border-top-color:rgb(34,30,32) !important;
    background-color: rgba(255,255,255,1.0) !important;
    .storefront-handheld-footer-bar {
    border-top:2px solid black;
    box-shadow:-0px -0px 0px gray !important;
    margin-left:98px !important;
    Menu toggle ::before open/close icons are white even if I define for them different color. see

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by tapiohuuhaa.
    Thread Starter tapiohuuhaa


    Some extra notes:

    (see the screen capture)

    shows the previous situation. I got with
    -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
    -ms-transform: rotate(0deg);
    transform: rotate(0deg);

    45 degree angle off.

    .storefront-primary-navigation .menu-toggle::before{
    background-color:rgba(100,100,100,1.0) !important;
    height:18px !important;

    I added some background-color, which cause the current behavior.

    “Home” and “My Account” can be used with content-property using dashicons – those are dashicons:

    I use in my forum site I use dashicons this way:

    .bbpress .forum-titles .bbp-forum-topic-count::before,
    .bbpress .forum-titles .bbp-forum-reply-count::before,
    .bbpress .forum-titles .bbp-topic-voice-count::before,
    .bbpress .forum-titles .bbp-topic-reply-count::before {
    font: 400 16px/1 dashicons;
    margin-right: 100px;

    .bbpress .forum-titles .bbp-forum-topic-count::before{
    content: “\f123”;

    Something similar in your site:

    .homelink::before {
    font: 400 16px/1 dashicons;
    content: “\f102”; /*home icon*/
    .homelink {float:left; clear:…} /* clear should set the text into another line*/
    Or try
    position:relative; left:-…;top:-…

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by tapiohuuhaa.
    Thread Starter tapiohuuhaa


    Yes. I got it resolved with padding and margin settins. I didn’t get if off but I succeeded to fit other CSS working with it. I added also 2 pixel wide top border to the opened menu.

    I have problems with the top right on the left side of the text “Menu” (for me that is in Finnish “Valikko”). There should be X or three lines but now there is just one line.

    In fact the existing situation works and it shows the current situation OK. In fact better than the way, it should be (something is open or close). It just is not exactly what I originally intended. But because the idea works, should I try to fix this?

    BTW. For 320X480 cell phone the opener is in the bottom bar and menu opens above the bottom bar. Because the screen is small that works fine. But my son says, that the menu should be in narrow screen on the top I put it in the normal place for 720×1280 cell phones.

    Thread Starter tapiohuuhaa


    Ok. But as I wrote this is not important because behaviour of avatars can control with CSS.

    What about the dashicons? I put this way (info button gives information about those icons)

    I didn’t have noticed that opportunity. Which element does have the id #forums-list-???

    Sorry – I had here text, which related with CSS-problem, but it was different.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by tapiohuuhaa.

    If you mean colors in the main menu, find menu-item-id (for example <li id=”menu-item-2678″>). You can set for that list item and chlild elements of it easily color,
    for example:

    #menu-item-2678 a:link, #menu-item-2678 li a:link,
    #menu-item-2678 a:visited, #menu-item-2678 li a:visited {

    But in general I don’t see any method. BODY has class “post-id-…” but it is in every page different. It doesn’t have information about parent page.

    In order to do that BODY should have class for category, for example post-forum-id, which should be the first level forum. It would beIMO too complex to list the whole path.

    Thread Starter tapiohuuhaa


    BTW. I found that you had replaced some texts in the list headers with dashicons. I did’ now the same but thought, if those would need some advice somewhere?

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