we are investigating a similar issue. 10s to load a product, disable Yoast and its <2s. I have been through the suggested recommendations and nothing is working. The waterfall shows this as a network issue: data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg width=’1792′ height=’1792′ xmlns=’https://www.w3.org/2000/svg’ aria-hidden=’true’%3E%3Cpath fill=’%23999′ d=’M403 218h691l-26 72H403q-110 0-188.5 79T136 558v771q0 95 60.5 169.5T350 1592q23 5 98 5v72h-45q-140 0-239.5-100T64 1329V558q0-140 99.5-240T403 218zM1254 0h247l-482 1294q-23 61-40.5 103.5t-45 98-54 93.5-64.5 78.5-79.5 65-95.5 41-116 18.5v-195q163-26 220-182 20-52 20-105 0-54-20-106L459 471h228l187 585zm474 558v1111H933q37-55 45-73h678V558q0-85-49.5-155T1477 304l25-67q101 34 163.5 123.5T1728 558z’/%3E%3C/svg%3E