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  • Plugin Author Tangible


    Hi there,

    Can you clarify what isn’t working with WPBakery?
    You can embed templates with shortcodes, so as long as WPBakery allows shortcodes you should be able to use it.
    Is there some kind of conflict?
    In terms of direct integrations with custom page builder blocks, we have to limit what we support since there’s both an up front and ongoing cost to maintaining those integrations and this is a free product.
    It shouldn’t really matter though considering you can do all the same things with a shortcode.
    You can read more about using template shortcodes in our docs:

    Plugin Author Tangible


    For the search results, keep in mind that search systems generally rely on modifying the main query on the page (the default loop of that page essentially). That means that if you create a new loop, different from the main loop, it likely won’t be impacted by search. Luckily with L&L you can just output the main loop by using the <Loop> tag without specifying a loop type. For a more specific example you can check out our guide on getting it to work with FacetWP which should be quite similar regardless of the search system you use:

    Plugin Author Tangible


    Marking this as resolved since it was addressed in a separate post made by the user on L&L’s official support forum.

    @adrypi95 don’t hesitate to reach out or create a new support thread if you have any other questions about the plugin!

    Plugin Author Tangible


    Upon further testing on our end, we realized that this issue was being caused by a configuration setting in the Jobs for WordPress and was not being caused by L&L. Jobs for WordPress was associating all job posts with a single parent post. Since the loop by default was looping through that parent post and not the children of that parent post, it looked like there were no results when looping through jobs in L&L.

    The two options to fix this are:

    • Changing the “Page where you list jobs” setting in Jobs for WordPress to any page, saving, then changing back to nothing, and saving again. That way, job posts won’t have a post parent anymore.
    • Using the “include_children” attribute in the L&L Loop, so that child posts will be included in the results, like this: <Loop type=jobs include_children=true>.
    Plugin Author Tangible


    Hey Mark,

    In order to be allowed in the WP repo we have to stick to security best practices and comply with WP permissions & capabilities like

    In a multi-site instance, only the super-admin has this capability. Posts authored by non-super-admin users have the KSES filter applied which removes L&L tags as disallowed HTML. There’s some discussion about it over here.

    We’ll be looking for a workaround at some point but aren’t too keen to just start punching holes through WP security features. If you’d like to work on this it’s potentially an area we could collaborate on!

    Plugin Author Tangible


    Hi @gamicord, that’s a really well-expressed idea! Unfortunately, at the moment Loops & Logic is only capable of displaying data that’s in your site’s database, not creating it, so L&L wouldn’t fit your needs for now. We’re looking into options there, but that kind of functionality is still a long way off.

    Plugin Author Tangible


    Hey @laceybeach, I’m following up on this review to let you know that alongside the release of L&L version 3.0.0 this morning we’ve also released new documentation that includes more examples and detailed explanations throughout. The new docs can be found at Feel free to explore them yourself or take a look at the overview of what’s changed in this blog post.

    Let me know if there are specific topics you think we should clarify in the new documentation that might motivate you to add that fifth star to your rating!

    – Ben @ Team Tangible

    Plugin Author Tangible


    Thanks for the review, @rhust! We definitely agree that Loops & Logic is one of those tools that can fill a lot of functionality gaps in other plugins where you need that extra bit of control or customization. Since you’re asking what you can do to help the cause, the biggest thing would be to help us make L&L less of a “secret” weapon, haha! In other words, sharing the word and letting other developers know just how powerful and flexible a tool it is. Thanks again for taking the time to write this!

    – Ben @ Team Tangible

    Plugin Author Tangible


    Hi @douglasmikado, there is indeed! This would depend on whether the image you’re working with is the post’s featured image or some other image custom field. If you’re working with the featured image, you can use the regular HTML img tag and its attributes to set the size of the image.

    So in practice, this tag simply displays a post’s featured image:

    <Field image />

    In contrast, using something like this instead with the img tag would give you a lot more control over how it gets displayed, such as the render size. Note that you can dynamically fill whatever values you need using the Field tag with the image_* attribute (noted here) where that asterisk is a wildcard for any field from the attachment loop.

    <img src="{Field image_url}" alt="{Field image_alt}" width="500">

    If you’re working with a custom image field, the approach is quite similar and you’d still want to use the img tag but you’ll need to wrap it in an attachment loop. Check out this how-to guide for an explanation if you’re working with a custom img field.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Tangible. Reason: Added an example if you're not working with a post's featured image
    Plugin Author Tangible


    Hi @jrsupplee, this bug has now been resolved in the latest version of Loops & Logic (3.0.0). Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any other issues!

    Plugin Author Tangible


    Thanks for the kind words, Phil!

    Plugin Author Tangible


    Hi @seccyeth, my apologies for the delayed response here. Your testing seems to indicate two things.

    First, you mention that “it only displays the <Else> part. In the Elementor Editor, I can see the <If> part properly displayed.” The way L&L works is that if your If statement is true, the portion of your markup immediately following the opening <If ...> tag (i.e. before the <Else /> tag) should be displayed. If your If statement is false, the portion of your markup after the <Else /> tag should be displayed. The fact that the output of your L&L template is “the <Else> part” is expected if your conditional statement is false, which suggests that this isn’t an L&L issue but a syntax/logic issue.

    Second, the fact that some of the behaviour you’re noticing only seems to occur on Masterstudy pages suggests that their plugin might be affecting the default WP loop differently than any other custom post types. I wasn’t able to identify any issues with Masterstudy based on my limited testing with it, but the fact their post type works differently than any others you tested with makes this seem like an issue that would need to be taken up with their support. We can’t control how other plugins change the context of the default loop on their posts.

    I know you’ve already reached out on our forum for help regarding some other L&L markup troubleshooting, but I thought I’d note that our L&L community tends to be able to provide faster support over on our forum at, so we recommend that people post their support requests there instead for faster responses.

    Best of luck with this!

    – Ben @ Team Tangible

    Plugin Author Tangible


    Thanks for the kind words! ?? We’re all about maximum control and minimum bloat/complexity. Glad you’ve been able to see the potential for this plugin. We totally recognize that the docs aren’t where they need to be yet for beginners so we’ve got some people working to improve that as we speak. Thanks for the feedback!

    – Ben @ Team Tangible

    Plugin Author Tangible


    Hi @wordpressrun! L&L does give you the tools to build entire page layouts that apply to certain parts of your site using L&L. L&L isn’t a page builder though, so those layouts would need to be built in the L&L template editor in HTML and noting Gutenberg or another page builder as you’ve suggested. L&L integrates natively with Gutenberg, Elementor, and Beaver Builder though so you could lay out your content and apply it to certain pages using something like Beaver Themer and just use L&L to display dynamic content from your ACF fields as needed.

    One thing to keep in mind when reading through the Loops & Logic documentation or blog posts about L&L is that the term “template” in the context of L&L differs from the term “template” used by WordPress. In L&L, a template is the unique post type created by the plugin and when you write L&L markup, it always needs to be written inside a template post.

    If you want to go fully manual use L&L to build a page layout that applies to certain types of pages and uses dynamic content from ACF, you can certainly do that (we’ve done it on many of our own sites). To do that, in your WP admin, head to Tangible > Layouts > Add New > Location and you’ll be able to set location rules as to where you’d like your template to run.

    As far as a step-by-step guide, you might want to check out this beginner’s guide as well as some of the other posts on that blog to get a grasp of how you can get started with L&L.

    By the way, I thought I’d mention that you might find the Loops & Logic forum to be a better place to get product support in the future. It’s a much more active community than this support in the WordPress plugin repository.

    Plugin Author Tangible


    I’m happy to report that we’ve found a way around this issue!
    The problem appears to be something wrong with Flywheel’s NGINX implementation rather than an issue with our plugin (it was complaining about some perfectly valid PHP syntax that works everywhere else), but we changed it anyway just so it would work around whatever bug Flywheel has on its end given how popular that system is.
    Hopefully they’ll fix that at some point.

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