9 years, 1 month ago
Sure you can see it here!
Thanks for the support!
Oooops errors. U can see our test page here to understand…
Great! The only problem I was facing it was the read more button. At Greek language gives me error.
9 years, 2 months ago
Wow! Very nice…. I will test it tomorrow….
For me also is not working even if i insert the shortcode at visual editor….
Thanks a lot!
Hey my friends look at modality/assets/ inside you will find the slide1.jpg Just replace it with your own picture and the exact name slide1.jpg and you are done!
So simple!
Merry Christmass to everyone….
9 years, 3 months ago
I finally did it it was the permalinks!
It was the jetpack as soon as i disabled photon works like a charm. Thanks!
By the way. Great theme!
Sure i’ll do that and i will let u know. Thanks for the answer.
I do have one question also for posts widget…
The feature image why doesn’t open in a lightbox? I am not familiar with wordpress so i could use some help from you.