Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Force Images Download] Any one can report bugs and suggestionsInstalled 1.2. Sill same problem.
Maybe something is wrong with my server.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Force Images Download] Any one can report bugs and suggestionsSame problem.
Uploaded a small file and still that is downloading as empty
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Force Images Download] Any one can report bugs and suggestionsYes, using latest version of the plugin Version 1.3
Btw, the images i am trying to download are 8 or 9 MB each.
Could there be that its not downloading the images cause of large size of image.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Force Images Download] Any one can report bugs and suggestionsPHP Version 5.2.17
here is the link to check download
go here
and click on link that says Download 300 dpi CMYK
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Force Images Download] Any one can report bugs and suggestionsOn downloading the file seems to be empty.
Works on localhost but not on server. Is there some settings on server that needs to be switched on. ?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Merger of two WP accountsHi Nupur
it seems you are confusing between the two sites i.e.
WordPress.com and Your Self-Hosted WordPress Site
Both of these are two separate sites and accounts for both of them cannot be merged with each other.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Error: Missing required field "updated" & author – zeenews themeyou will have to add a class around the date and author in your theme files.
for author it should be
<span class="vcard author"></span>
and for date it is
<span class="post_date date updated"></span>
Read this for detailed solution
https://urbanstoic.com/how-to-fix-google-hfeed-or-hcard-warningsForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Links in MAMP Pro Site point to http instead of localread here on how to change your site’s URL
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Links in MAMP Pro Site point to http instead of localAdd these two lines to the functions.php file, immediately after the initial
“<?php” line. in the active theme of your localhost siteupdate_option('siteurl','sitename:8888/'); update_option('home','sitename:8888/');
where https://sitename:8888/ is full url of your localhost site
and then try opening the homepage and see if that works
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Toggling editor into text modeTry deactivating all the plugins and see if that solves the issue
The Editor Toggle issue normally comes when you have faulty javascript in your either your theme or plugin.
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: visit site redirects me to localhost pageCheck in Dashboard > General Settings and make sure the WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) are correct. You might have URL of localhost over there.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Toggling editor into text modeActivate the TwentyFourteen or some other default theme and then check whether or not you can toggle the editor.
If you can toggle with default then the issue might be in your theme.
It might have out-dated version of jquery and in that case you have to fix the theme.
+1 to this problem
I also cannot figure this out.
As soon as i hit “Pay” it redirects to Interswitch and comes back to my site without me adding any input and says “Order has been received” and marks it as pending.
Can anyone please check into it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Help with theme for Nepali children nonprofitFellow Countryman at your Help.
Mail me at mtajim [at] gmail.com
I am from Nepal as well and would like to help you. I have seen your site and you seem to have removed a lot of things.
Reading your description, i think you need some kind of custom theme.
Ping me and we will get going.