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  • Mr Press



    I would not be so quick to label this as a bug. I had some difficulties getting the shortcode to work, but once I found out how the plugin functions I got the shortcode working the way to be expected. As a number of people here have reported difficulties perhaps the plugin isn’t running smoothly in all circumstances, but I wouldn’t label the shortcode problem as a bug nevertheless.

    Have you tried to disable all your other plugins one by one to see if another plugin causes the problem with the shortcode? Do you have a .htaccess security plugin installed which may interefe with the Google Analytics Dashboard plugin? It’s very common for faulty plugins to interfere with other plugins.

    Mr Press



    There are a few things you may try. Make sure the GA Top content widget is deleted. Clear out all transients, not only those that have expired. Check that Google Analytics Dashboard is showing stats for your posts in the posts list in wp-admin. If you are using the plugin Bulletproof security make changes to the wp-admin .htaccess-file or remove the wp-admin .htaccess-file, which I had to do. Open your database sql-file in an editor like Notepad++ and search for “google_top_content”. You should find _transient_timeout_dw-gtc-list-google_top_content and _transient_dw-gtc-list-google_top_content where the most viewed posts should be listed. Make sure your shortcode has the correct format, like:

    <?php echo do_shortcode( '[google_top_content pageviews=10 number=5 contentfilter=post showhome=no time=2628000]' ); ?>

    If you for example put a pageviews number which is higher than the highest number of visits to your posts, nothing will show.

    Hope this helps.

    Mr Press


    Looks to be working and showing only posts on your site. Have you tried to limit to posts only with the shortcode?

    <?php echo do_shortcode( '[google_top_content pageviews=10 number=5 contentfilter=post showhome=no time=2628000]' ); ?>

    Also, delete the transients in the database if you don’t see the changes, there are various plugins which lets you do this by a click. If you use shortcode, delete the widget as they can interfere with eachother.

    Thread Starter Mr Press


    Please disregard the last comment. It happened due to an oversight on my part. I did some reading up on shortcodes and realized that they need separate id’s to if they should have multiple instances. I’ll mark this as resolved and make it a feature request. Many thanks for the great plugin!

    Thread Starter Mr Press


    There seems to be something else going on with the shortcode which is not correct.

    I have put the following shortcode in my template:

    <?php echo do_shortcode( '[google_top_content pageviews=5 number=5 contentfilter=post showhome=no time=2628000]' ); ?>

    Sometimes the shortcode shows the correct posts, but then it will start showing the ten most read posts for the last year instead. I have no top content widget activated and made sure to clear all transients and remove the second top content shortcode I was using which was interfering with the first one.

    This is the only thing that google top content puts in the database:

    (99740,'_transient_timeout_dw-gtc-list-google_top_content','1395095707','no'),(99741,'_transient_dw-gtc-list-google_top_content','<ol><li> ... followed by the posts.

    I have no idea why it changes to ten posts for the latest year.

    Mr Press


    My shortcode works fine now. I probably had a caching issue. I installed and ran the plugin Artiss transient cleaner and after that the posts showed up with the shortcode.

    Thread Starter Mr Press


    Thanks a lot, sounds really good! I’ll be having a go at this plugin soon!

    Mr Press


    Hi, Thanks for the great plugin. The widget works fine but I can confirm the shortcode doesn’t work for me either. I am getting “using transient” however:

    <!-- using transient -->
    <!-- using transient -->
    Mr Press


    @walter put this line after the code I provided in wpcloudy.php:


    Does it show any weather data values when you load a page with your weather shortcode?

    Mr Press


    If problems persist you can use cURL, which is a better idea anyway. Replace the following lines in wpcloudy.php:

    $myweather = simplexml_load_file("$wpcloudy_city,$wpcloudy_country_code&mode=xml&units=$wpcloudy_unit&APPID=46c433f6ba7dd4d29d5718dac3d7f035&lang=$wpcloudy_lang_owm");
    $myweather_sevendays = simplexml_load_file("$wpcloudy_city,$wpcloudy_country_code&mode=xml&units=$wpcloudy_unit&cnt=7&APPID=46c433f6ba7dd4d29d5718dac3d7f035&lang=$wpcloudy_lang_owm");


    $path = "$wpcloudy_city,$wpcloudy_country_code&mode=xml&units=$wpcloudy_unit&APPID=46c433f6ba7dd4d29d5718dac3d7f035&lang=$wpcloudy_lang_owm";
      $ch = curl_init();
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $path);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 15);
      $returned = curl_exec($ch);
      $myweather = simplexml_load_string($returned);
      $path = "$wpcloudy_city,$wpcloudy_country_code&mode=xml&units=$wpcloudy_unit&cnt=7&APPID=46c433f6ba7dd4d29d5718dac3d7f035&lang=$wpcloudy_lang_owm";
      $ch = curl_init();
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $path);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 15);
      $returned = curl_exec($ch);
      $myweather_sevendays = simplexml_load_string($returned);

    This is tested up to plugin version 2.4 I think but should work fine.

    Here is the demo of opauth

    @mel @martin
    I agree with Martin, forking is the way forward. I doubt the plugin author will return here to address this thread. Also, there are already several forks on HybridAuth github.

    A few much needed fixes is to removed myspace login (no longer in use), stop using wp_die to address login errors, consider using WordPress functions wp_remote_get(), wp_remote_request() before cURL.

    Perhaps the opauth framework is worth having a look at, it seems well supported and maintained.

    Thanks for keeping the plugin alive! I suppose a fork is the only way forward, since hybridauth support has ended.

    You may also consider Social Connect, since who knows how long WordPress Social Login will function?

    They will be able to login via (say) Facebook?

    Yes, I have switched back and forth between WordPress Social Login and Social Connect and login works fine with both Facebook and Google. Your users are not dependent on the WordPress Social Login plugin, although you may lose some personal information about them stored in the wslusersprofiles table in the database.

    Thread Starter Mr Press


    Thanks Rodrigo! I tested on another WordPress installation where it looks to be working as it should so it seems you are right. The strange thing though, is that it works fine on Chrome until I trigger another error like the login error I explained above, after that I can’t log back in in Chrome either. Sorry for being so quick to label this as a bug. I will investigate what the culprit is, perhaps something with redirecting the login to the current front-end page since I use the login shortcode in my templates.

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