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  • Thread Starter TAB04


    How could you do that? Not understanding. I know it is an updatable nickname because I have it on another WP site. Unless it is grandfathered in. Is this what you mean? It only displays my first and last names and won’t save any name I give it, even if I change first and last name. I mean it will save changes to first and last names, but it won’t save changes to display name as.

    Thread Starter TAB04


    I am clicking on update profile.

    Thread Starter TAB04


    sanjoy! ?? That worked… but how? I’ve not seen those tags before. I will look them up. Thank you.

    Thread Starter TAB04


    Now, I am using a validator and it is telling me there are 2 problems:

    Validator finds error: “there is no attribute “role”
    <div id=”category_header” role=”category”>”

    <?php $cat = $options[‘category_header’]; ?>
    <?php if ($cat == “yes”){?>
    <div id=”category_header” role=”category”>

    $catsNav = ”;
    if (function_exists(‘wp_nav_menu’)) {
    $catsNav = wp_nav_menu( array( ‘theme_location’ => ‘header-cats’, ‘menu_class’ => ‘nav’, ‘menu_id’ => ‘cat_nav’, ‘echo’ => false, ‘fallback_cb’ => ” ) );};
    if ($catsNav == ”) { ?>
    <ul id=”cat_nav”>
    <?php if (is_page()) { $highlight = “page_item”; } else {$highlight = “page_item current_page_item”; } ?>
    <?php wp_list_categories(‘title_li=’); ?>

    <?php }
    else echo($catsNav);
    <?php } ?>

    Validator finds error: “end tag for “ul” which is not finished…

    <li id=”recent-comments-2″ class=”widget widget_recent_comments”><h3>Recent Comments</h3><ul id=”recentcomments”>”…

    which looks fine to me but which I can’t find maybe because Validator is validating a cached version.

    Thread Starter TAB04


    alchymyth: I had already changed both the width of the sidebar and content and it did not make a difference… as I said, even with the widget width changed to very narrow it still sat at the bottom below content, hugging the left. I also tried checking “WordPress should correct invalidly nested XHTML automatically”.

    I was not asking for help with basic formatting… I was hoping for a response from someone who had previously dealt with this problem… being that widening/narrowing content, sidebar, and sidebar inner did not solve the problem. So I deleted my 1 post I had thinking the problem had something to do with the post… but that didn’t help.

    Now, I am using a validator and it is telling me there are a few problems, but the problems are not really there. It says I have an unclosed tag on line so and so, but the tags are in fact closed. etc.

    I appreciate your ideas, but it is not simply a matter of adjusting column width.

    Thread Starter TAB04


    I widened the sidebar until the widget finally fit, but it was way too wide… so I narrowed the sidebar and narrowed the widgets, but even though they are very narrow, they still sit at the bottom of the post content.

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