Basically in my CSS the current_cat and current_page_items are highlighted in the same way
care to elaborate how you did this?
im trying to highlight a category on my header, and for the love of me, I cant get it to work.
at fist I had a couple of issues with page-ID’s and cat-ID’s being the same, fixed that issue.
Im using the “Pool” theme, and the pages are highlighted fine, but categories put in the header doesnt get highlighted
I inserted your code into classes.php, and then added this to my style.css file:
.current-cat a, .current-cat a:hover {
background: #8EBAFD !important;
color: #fff !important;
this could be all wrong, seing im not that experienced in coding php, html.
best regards
check out the header @ (you’ll see what I mean)