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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AssetsMinify] Problem with calling function from enqueued script.But isn’t including js code as separate files slower than including it in HTML (in cases like I mentioned above)? Could you give me some hints where to read more about it? I’ve read that it is better to limit the number of external files. Thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AssetsMinify] Problem with calling function from enqueued script.I know but I don’t think it is necessary to create a seperate JS file just to call some init functions like Shadowbox.init() that’s why I’m embedding this in HTML code and several others init’s.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Nginx Helper] Custom post type doesn't fire purge actionPosted on github.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Read Offline] [Plugin: Read Offline] Support / FeedbackYour site is down so I’m posting here. Your plugin causes rewrite rules flush every time you navigate through admin, I think that the problem is here:
function ps_read_offline_flush_rewrite_rules() { $rules = $GLOBALS['wp_rewrite']->wp_rewrite_rules(); // you have missed this line // without upper line this condition is always true :) if ( ! isset( $rules['read-offline/([^/]+)/([^\.]+).(pdf|epub|mobi)$'] ) ) { global $wp_rewrite; $wp_rewrite->flush_rules(); } }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [DB Cache Reloaded Fix] Problem with chmod, cache dir issue.I’ve solved my problem. It was caused by owner of the wp-content (chmod 755) dir and plugins dir. DBCR couldn’t create cache dir in plugin dir (chmod 755) and couldn’t copy files to the wp-content dir because on my web server PHP is running as “www-data” so there was dir owner mismath.
To solve this problem I’ve set temporarily chmod to wp-content to 777 and set chmod 777 plugins/db-cache-reloaded-fix next activated plugin and set back chmod 755 to wp-content and plugin dir and asked my admin to set the owner of the cache dir to “www-data” (the one which PHP runs as).
I think that taking ownership of wp-content dir by “www-data” user (for apache) would also do the trick but I’ve not tested it.
It workd for me. Hope it helps someone else.
Deleting comments did the trick now everything works fine.
milardovich, have you read my other post:
about other problem in No Category Parents plugin? I see that flushing rules is executed everytime. Is that alright? In my case it clears rules being added by other plugin (not sure but it was Custom Post Permalinks).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can't add custom post status with register_post_statusThanks for reply, I’ve abandon this aproach.
ok, I get the point now.
Thanks for reply
Not exactly, when revisions are set to 0, autosave revision is being saved. But this condition:
if ( ! WP_POST_REVISIONS ) return array();
doesn’t allow it to be displayed in the Revisions panel. So you can’t restore to autosave revision in the admin panel because it isn’t visible. So what’s the point of this condition?
For me it doesn’t do the right job.