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increasing the upload mode to more then factor x10 at /etc is no progress inside /etc
php5/cli/php.ini:post_max_size = 80M
php5/apache2/php.ini:post_max_size = 80M ..this should be the right one after restart of apache2 but any way ..more is better when time is lessphp5/cli/php.ini:upload_max_filesize = 20M
php5/apache2/php.ini:upload_max_filesize = 80Mso I will reduce it again later by factor 10
still only mode 1 is working see first post => link = finemode 1 ok
mode 2 same error ..and i can see that data is uploaded to google!by the way bad forum admin you can only edit your last posting.. facebook style …!!
My file has more then 1MB but the switch to Mode 2 SAX inside the plugin did not work!
Is there someting addional to install like Java ? tested some other plugins (not working out of the box) but this plugin has a nice speed diagramm feature. So I want to go with xml-google-maps!
If I switch to Mode2
Defines the GPX parse mode. To clear database content for Mode 2 simply switch this option an press save. Then reswitch this option and resave!
Mode 1 DOM is a life time parsing and loads always the whole GPX file into your PHP application memory. For larger files you will often get an out of memory exception because of this (if your memory maximum is at 32mb, this happens already with files a little bit larger than 1mb).
Mode 2 SAX reads the GPX file sequentially and saves all needed data into the database. For showing the map and all the other charts and tables, the plugin reads the data from the database (if file updatetime get changed, there will be a reparse). With the database its is no longer necessary to load always all the data. With this mode you get a really large database.This error is posted: Cannot get modified date from the file you like to parse! Like this, it is not possible to use this file that way!
GPX Parse Mode 2 Max Rows Limit: 2000 or higher didnt change anything
Regrads SyncPulse
google api is v2…
is there a posibility to embedded the links to OSM with same features inside wordpress to get rid of the oem google apis ?-> html comand line ?