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  • Thread Starter SYNC4489


    Hi @samadamdesigns
    Yes it did work. As I said above, it’s not really the solution I was expecting as it’s more a “dirty hack” than a real solution, but it gets the job done.

    Where did you put your CSS lines? Because I think that what Tseten suggested works only to modify the frontend CSS and not the admin…

    Try to add this to the functions.php of your theme or with a snippet plugin:

    add_action('admin_head', 'custom_admin_css');
    function custom_admin_css() {
    	echo '<style>
                       div#tiptip_holder {
                           display: none !important;

    Hope this helps

    Thread Starter SYNC4489



    thanks for your reply!

    yes, of course the css rule will work, but I was hoping something better to completely disable the feature.
    Even if the tooltip is hidden by css, the javascript is still loaded and triggered and the divs (hidden) are modified.
    Not a big problem, but indeed a bit of a waste of resources…

    Anyway, the css solution is still better than nothing, let us know if you have a more radical/elegant one :))

    Thread Starter SYNC4489


    Hi, thanks for your fast reply

    here’s the screenshot as an example of the tooltip:

    Very often, the tooltip just stays there, even on mouseout… If you move the mouse too fast there are tooltips popping up everywhere and disappearing… quite a mess.
    In short, we were better without them :)))

    is there a way, a snippet to turn them off?

    Thanks in advance

    Thread Starter SYNC4489


    Hi again ??

    found the culprit, it’s the Envato market plugin that throws an error on WP 5.5 and your plugin:

    this is the error log when I click on diagnostics in the Redis plugin settings page:

    RedisException: socket error on read socket in /wp-content/object-cache.php:1260
    Stack trace:
    #0 ************/wp-content/object-cache.php(1260): Redis->eval('redis.replicate...')
    #1 ************/wp-content/object-cache.php(1131): WP_Object_Cache->{closure}()
    #2 ************/wp-content/object-cache.php(94): WP_Object_Cache->flush(0)
    #3 ************/wp-content/plugins/envato-market/inc/class-envato-market-items.php(194): wp_cache_flush()
    #4 ************/wp-content/plugins/envato-market/inc/class-envato-market-items.php(302): Envato_Market_Items->wp_plugins()
    #5 ************/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(289): Envato_Market_Items->update_plugins(Object(stdClass))
    #6 ************/wp-includes/plugin.php(206): WP_Hook->apply_filters(Object(stdClass), Array)
    #7 ************/wp-includes/option.php(1930): apply_filters('pre_set_site_tr...', Object(stdClass), 'update_plugins')
    #8 ************/wp-includes/update.php(347): set_site_transient('update_plugins', Object(stdClass))
    #9 ************/wp-includes/update.php(813): wp_update_plugins()
    #10 ************/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(287): _maybe_update_plugins('')
    #11 ************/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(311): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array)
    #12 ************/wp-includes/plugin.php(478): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
    #13 ************/wp-admin/admin.php(175): do_action('admin_init')
    #14 ************/wp-admin/options-general.php(10): require_once('/****/****/p...')
    #15 {main}

    Once I deactivated the Envato plugin, the redis connection worked flawlessly

    Hope this helps

    Thread Starter SYNC4489



    I’ve just tried to update the wp-config.php as you suggested, the modifications are seen by the plugin as you can see by the copy paste from diagnostics below:

    WP_REDIS_PORT: 6379
    WP_REDIS_PREFIX: "moggiesdoggiescom"
    WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT: "moggiesdoggiescom"

    I’ve even restarted the php-fpm service just to be sure, but the ‘not connected’ error persists.
    But as I said, only for the wp 5.5, these websites are from the same server and the same cpanel/php-fpm account.

    Thread Starter SYNC4489


    these are from a working website (WP 5.4):

    WP_REDIS_PREFIX: “wwwgorminacom”
    WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT: “wwwgorminacom”


    these are from a non-working website (WP 5.5):

    WP_REDIS_PREFIX: “moggiesdoggiescom”
    WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT: “moggiesdoggiescom”

    or another one (WP 5.5)

    WP_REDIS_PREFIX: “wwwhotelbelvederefortedeimarmicom”
    WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT: “wwwhotelbelvederefortedeimarmicom”

    etc. etc. I have tens of customer websites and the only ‘not connected’ errors come from those who got updated to 5.5

    Thread Starter SYNC4489


    hmmm doesn’t seem to be the problem, as I can connect to the server with redis-cli, but even more important all other sites, on same server and still not updated to WP 5.5, do not have the problem as you can see by the plugin diagnostics I’ve posted above.

    Thread Starter SYNC4489


    “We’ll look at the possibility of forcing the user to logout when disabled.”

    Thanks a lot, I think it would be the perfect add-on to this excellent plugin!

    Thread Starter SYNC4489


    Self-reply to first question:
    You set up the _is_disabled usermeta, so first problem solved with Admin Columns!

    Thread Starter SYNC4489


    Nevermind, I’ve solved it.

    it can be done just by passing in the line_items array the property tax_class => 'zero-rate' for each of the line item.

    Anyway, hope it will help someone else too ??

    @apmwebdev @beneva Thanks!

    Just downgraded to 3.8.1, the shipping checkbox is correctly unchecked (also by the filter) and even the update_totals ajax trigger is back so the VAT exemption is duly performed.

    @beneva how did you downgrade? just by replacing the woocommerce folder in the plugins folder?

    @apmwebdev could you please advise on the “official” way to downgrade while we wait for a fix?

    Thanks ??

    Not sure that it started with 3.9.0 but very probable (below the copy of the woo status).

    Another weird glitch is the fact that before, when going to checkout the “update totals” was running also on page load, now the ajax is triggered only when the “Ship to different address” is clicked (or the payment method is changed).
    We are running a VAT exemption plugin on update totals, that is now “broken” on page load, so customers are complaining that they are paying VAT when they shouldn’t…

    WooCommerce version: 3.9.0
    WooCommerce REST API package: 1.0.6
    WordPress version: 5.3.2
    WordPress multisite: –
    WordPress memory limit: 2 GB
    WordPress debug mode: –
    WordPress cron:
    Language: en_US
    External object cache:
    Server environment
    Server info: LiteSpeed
    PHP version: 7.3.13
    PHP post max size: 1 GB
    PHP time limit: 300
    PHP max input vars: 65535
    cURL version: 7.29.0, NSS/3.44
    SUHOSIN installed: –
    MySQL version: 5.5.5-10.1.43-MariaDB
    Max upload size: 1 GB

    Hi, sorry to “hijack” the thread, but we also have exactly the same problem as yunse.
    The filter ‘woocommerce_ship_to_different_address_checked’ does not work anymore and also the Woocommerce setting does not seeem to work.


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