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  • Thread Starter SydneyDesigner


    Hi again Slava.

    Just wondering if you have any idea of timescales for implementing this. It would be good to know please.

    I am happy to help with testing.

    Thread Starter SydneyDesigner


    Thanks for your reply @coen Jacobs.

    That’s a pity you don’t have a bit more information to help people like me who aren’t expert theme developers but still need to learn a bit more about making WooCommerce and a third party theme compatible. Even a few more pages of guidance relating to the particular WooC files to concentrate on to make particular things compatible would probably help a lot of people. Just a suggestion you might like to consider.

    Thread Starter SydneyDesigner


    Thanks @coen Jacobs

    Yes, I’ve already been following that documentation and am using woocommerce_content() method which works.

    But apart from that the WooCommerce documentation doesn’t seem to give much help for compatibility between WooCommerce and other themes….or am I missing some of your other documents??

    Thread Starter SydneyDesigner



    So I wonder if the solution for me could be to exclude all Buddypress pages from Yoast SEO ?

    I worked out how to do this by a one line BuddyPress core code hack, a technique which is frowned upon but it does work for me and I don’t know how to do it better. (If anyone can advise us how to put this into a child theme functions.php we’d love to hear from you please.)

    I change the priority from 10 to 16 in this line which is in buddypress>bp-core>bp-core-filters.php:
    add_filter( ‘wp_title’, ‘bp_modify_page_title’, 16, 3 );

    For all BuddyPress pages, this makes bp_modify_page_title filter execute after, and hence overrule, WPSEO title which has priority 15 (in worpress-seo>frontend>class-frontend.php).

    I hope this helps people.

    Thread Starter SydneyDesigner


    Thanks for your reply @jameskoster.

    BTW I just upgraded to WooCommerce 2.06 and the problem seems the same.

    I think you are right – it seems to be something to do with the background colours/gradients inside the WooCommerce buttons specifically for IE8-9 (I haven’t tried IE6-7).

    If I set the WooCommerce>admin>general>styles>Primary to #ffffff (black) then I get black button text against a light grey gradient background in all browsers including IE6-9 (which at least is visible if not very attracting to the eye).

    However, if I set the Primary to any other colour then it works in every other browser, but in IE the text reverts to white and the background colour is only faintly visible right on the border of the button so the inside of the button is still the light grey gradient (against which the light button text is hardly visible).

    Switching the theme away from BuddyPress Default Theme 1.7 to TwentyTwelve does seem to make the Primary work in IE too. So there seems to be some sort of conflict between the WooCommerce CSS and BuddyPress Default Theme 1.7 . I hope that doesn’t just mean you wash your hands of it and say it is a BuddyPress issue ?? because that is not necessarily the case. It could be something that WooCommerce is doing with IE button colours/gradients that is perhaps a bit unusual as you say. Maybe there is a “grey” area in the code (joke…couldn’t resist!)

    Anyway, I’d be really grateful to receive a code fix please, as I am a bit out of my league on this.

    Many thanks.

    Thread Starter SydneyDesigner


    Thank you for your reply @coen.

    Just to clarify, what I would like to know from this post is:

    1. Are there any people out there successfully using WooCommerce 2.05 with BuddyPress1.7 Default Theme?

    2. If so, then what (if anything) have other people needed to change in WooCommerce 2.05 and/or BuddyPress1.7 Default Theme to make them compatible? i.e What custom CSS or other tweaks have people needed to do?

    3. Have people come across any blocks to successful inter-compatibility, such as “lack of possible overwrite possibilities in the BuddyPress Default Theme” that @coen suggests above?

    And yes, I am also asking this on the BuddyPress support forum and will report back here too, to help others.

    Many thanks for any help that is offered.

    Thread Starter SydneyDesigner


    Thanks for your reply Coen.

    This post may not actually be related to using the BuddyPress Default theme. Instead, I think it may be a more general problem with the way WoooCommerce handles the css for IE6-9 buttons. It is still not resolved and I have remarked it as such. I hope you can help with this. (I will now clarify the other post further so it doesn’t overlap with this one.)

    So, to recap this problem for everyone….

    WooCommerce 2.05 “Add to Cart”, “Proceed to Checkout” & “Place Order” button text/background colours are not working on IE8/9, making some button text unreadable. All seems to work OK on Chrome and Firefox.

    See buttons on and subsequent shopping pages.

    I’m using WP3.5.1 and have now upgraded to BuddyPress 1.7 with BuddyPress Default Theme, and this problem still remains.

    Has anyone else seen this problem? Has anyone got a fix to this problem?

    Thread Starter SydneyDesigner


    @indietravel and @madarinho51

    I think I just need to find out how to get the main bbPress topic id from a Buddypress group>forum>topic+replies page. But I’m currently stuck on this. Any ideas anyone?

    Once I get that, then I think I will have a function which shows each topic’s WPSEO meta title and meta description for the appropriate Buddypress group>forum>topic+replies pages (rather than the current BuddyPress metadata). Once I get it working, I intend to share my function with the community, as quite a few people seem to be after this.

    So I hope someone can help us all please.

    Thread Starter SydneyDesigner


    Sounds like we are after the same thing….as I guess are many other people. Here is something I posted on BBPress forum a while back. But no help was forthcoming – yet – I’m still hoping someone can help! I’m planning to get back on to it after moving to BP 1.7 and BBP 2.3, but coding is not my strength so I sure would like some pointers please, if anyone out there can help us.

    Thread Starter SydneyDesigner


    @indietravel Yes, and no…..
    I’m now using WP3.5.1, WPSEO 1.4.4, BP 1.6.4, BP Docs 1.3.1

    Yes, WPSEO does set the titles/descriptions for the BP Docs custom post type pages – just like it does for the WP pages.

    No, WPSEO still does not set the titles/descriptions for the BuddyPress (i.e. groups etc.) pages – i.e. WPSEO is not integrated with BuddyPress, which is a real shame in my view.

    Thread Starter SydneyDesigner


    Thanks David – that would be good. Others are having the same problem. Do you have a rough idea of when it will be ready please?

    (Deleting and rebuilding my old BP groups so they will then accept the new BBPress foums, seems to be the other alternative and I’d rather not do that.)

    Thread Starter SydneyDesigner


    Many thanks for your explanation Boone. That helps to put it in perspective. Sounds like a pretty hard mod, so I won’t go that route.

    BP Docs is a strategic part of my website, so I want to keep my version current with your ongoing developments. I can also see the benefits of your new direction (separating the docs from the groups)\, so I’ve adjusted my website to fit. I think it works fine. So thanks again for your guidance, and for BP Docs, and of course for your part in BuddyPress itself.

    Thread Starter SydneyDesigner


    I hope the following patches will help some people. The only trouble is that the patches work with WordPress SEO Version 1.2.3 but not with the two newer versions: WordPress SEO Version 1.2.4 or 1.2.5 Something changed moving to WordPress SEO 1.2.4 and it would be great if @ Joost de Valk could help to fix this please, so we can keep with the latest WordPress SEO. Please let me know Joost. Many thanks.

    I’ve managed to get WordPress SEO Version 1.2.3 working quite nicely with Buddypress (latest versions up to and including Buddypress 1.6 Beta 2) and Buddypress Docs (latest version 1.1.24) on WordPress 3.4.1. The WordPress SEO box appears fine for all Buddypress Docs and allows me to enter the SEO titles and meta description OK. Unfortunately, this WordPress SEO box doesn’t even show for WordPress SEO Versions 1.2.4 and 1.2.5 and I’d love a fix to this please – see above.

    I then use the code below in my functions.php. Any improvements gratefully accepted as I am new to coding. Thanks to: for pointing me in the right direction on this.

    add_filter( 'bp_modify_page_title', 'marc_hierdoc_title', 10, 4 );
    function marc_hierdoc_title( $hierdoc_title, $title, $sep, $seplocation  ) {
    	global $bp, $wp_query, $post, $wpseo, $bp_docs;
     	if( bp_is_active( 'groups' ) && !empty( $bp->groups->current_group ) ) {
     		/** Remove the name of the group from the title*/
    		$hierdoc_title = substr( $hierdoc_title, strpos( $hierdoc_title, '|' ) );
    		/** Add the full group hierarchy to the title */
    		$hierdoc_title = bp_group_hierarchy_get_full_name( '|', $bp->groups->current_group) . ' ' . $hierdoc_title;
    		/** If BP Doc then replace title with title input via Yoast WordPress SEO plugin */
    	} if ( bp_docs_is_existing_doc() && bp_is_active( 'groups' ) && !empty( $bp->groups->current_group ) ) {
    		$doc = bp_docs_get_current_doc();
    		$doc_id = $doc->ID;
    		$hierdoc_title= get_post_meta( $doc->ID, _yoast_wpseo_title, true);
    	return $hierdoc_title;
    add_action('wp_head', 'marc_doc_metadesc');
    function marc_doc_metadesc( $doc_metadesc ) {
    	global $bp, $wp_query, $post, $wpseo, $bp_docs;
    	if ( bp_docs_is_existing_doc() && bp_is_active( 'groups' ) && !empty( $bp->groups->current_group ) ) {
    		$doc = bp_docs_get_current_doc();
    		$doc_id = $doc->ID;
    		$doc_metadesc= get_post_meta( $doc->ID, _yoast_wpseo_metadesc, true);
    		$doc_metadesc="<meta name=\"description\" content=\"$doc_metadesc\">";
    		echo $doc_metadesc;
    Thread Starter SydneyDesigner


    @ Fanus van Straten – thank you for your reply and references, very useful.

    You said: “with a bit of legwork and figuring out I got it mostly working, but not 100% yet.” Please can you share the hacks you have used so far, to help me on my way. Hopefully I can reciprocate later.

    Many thanks.


    Thread Starter SydneyDesigner


    Thanks Joost. If you (or anyone else?) could point me in the right direction with a few tips, I’d be very grateful and will repost my successes! I’ve done a bit of patching, but this one seems a bit tricky for me.

    Basically, it would be very useful to me (and most likely to others too) if WPSEO (set as normal with <title><?php wp_title(”); ?></title>) works with Buddypress like it currently does, plus works with BP Docs like WPSEO currently does with WPSEO “Force Rewrite Titles” set.

    Any guidance on achieving this please?

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