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  • Thread Starter sy19


    Hello @jessepearson
    Thanks for taking the time to reply.
    I understand what you have said and understand that the only way to really get my images to display the same is to upload them in the same size as each other. However my gripe is with the fact that pre woocommerce 3.3 there was no issue, it was only when woocommerce was updated to stop handling the image size that this issue reared its ugly head. We have thousands of products and as already stated in a previous message we would have to re-upload all the images to the same size to get this to look tidy which just isn’t feasible as it would take hundreds of hours to complete.
    I have tried the cropping idea you have mentioned but the results as you have noted create incomplete images which also looks bad, I was really trying to get woocommerce to go back to the way things were before this update but that looks unlikely to happen. As I understand the update was meant to give power to theme devs so they could control the image size within their theme. This sounds great on paper but from a users point of view its caused a bit of a headache as the only solution is to scrap all current images and re-upload them all again but this time in the same size.
    I love the fact that you are trying to help and can’t fault you guys for that but much like other people I just want this feature to work like it did in the past, as when woocommerce handled the image sizes it seemed to look ok with everything in order.
    Anyway thanks for your time.
    Have a good one.

    Thread Starter sy19


    Hello @ryanhungate
    Thanks for letting me know, yes this update looks to have worked, thanks for getting that sorted. I’ll change the review stars now.

    @khungate sorry for not replying to your comment, I missed the email saying you had replied. ALl sorted now with the update so its all good.

    Have a good day gentlemen.

    Thread Starter sy19


    Hi @khyngate
    Thanks for your reply.

    -mailchimp 2.1.7
    -woo 3.4.2, wordpress latest version
    -self hosted
    -not sure how to add screen shots, but when in Chrome the tick box does not appear under the billing address whereas in Firefox it does show. To confirm the tick box is also nowhere else on the checkout page when using Chrome.
    – only one error and I have deleted the voucher code in question (I have only shown part of the error code):
    2018-06-08T10:29:38+00:00 ERROR order_submit.error :: update promo rule ::-code was here–: CURL error :: Operation timed out after 30000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received on 1270 in plugins/mailchimp-for-woocommerce/includes/api/class-mailchimp-api.php

    cheers Sy

    Thread Starter sy19


    after using this code (see above) for a few weeks we have found that for us it is not a suitable work around to the issue caused by the woocommerce update. Unfortunately we found that it was hard cropping some of the images. All in all there is still no usable work around for this image issue. We would have to go through our whole image library (6000+) and re-edit them and upload them so all our images are the same size upon upload, this as I’m sure many others will agree is unfeasible, to be honest we just can’t create images that are going to be the same size due to how the images are taken.
    Until this image issue Woocommerce was one of the best shopping cart plugins out there, but this has created a massive issue for us and many others.
    If the above code works for you then I’m glad it could help.

    Forum: Reviews
    In reply to: [WooCommerce] Image issues
    Thread Starter sy19


    Hello @aground
    To be honest we have never had any issues with images up to this point, we use a wootheme and so everything has up until recently worked fine but this update has really messed things around. I appreciate the work the developers do but this image issue has really thrown things out for a lot of people, and what makes it worse is that it was meant to be done like this. They say that themes now generate the image sizes instead of Woocommerce dictating the sizes, they say this gives theme developers more movement about the way they design themes however as there have been many complaints that have been flooding into Woocommerce it would seem that the end users do not agree with this dramatic change. I believe our theme sets the image sizes the same as Woocommerce does so we have no idea why our images are now showing in different sizes, they were perfect before this update. I have hunted high and low for a usable work around and even the code that I have found does not actually resolve the issue, we have to try and upload images that are all exactly the same size as each other which just ins’t that easy to achieve, all in all this has made our website look a mess and the devs only point us to web pages that don’t actually help, they just need to change it back and then it would work fine. Its a real shame as this was the best shopping cart we have used.

    Thread Starter sy19


    So after doing a lot of hunting around I have come across a way to help with the image issues.

    The update to Woocommerce 3.3 on wards has stopped woocommerce from issuing the image size commands and so your theme is most likely handling this. I use a wootheme and so have no idea why there should be an issue yet there still is. Unless you go through your whole image library and changed the images to the same size then you may have issues with sizing, our biggest issue was when you clicked on a category and viewed the products within that category, basically the new woocommerce update shows all these images as different sizes and so makes it look awful. All we get as a response from woocommerce is its a theme issue and to look at css, so now we have to become coders to use woocommerce. This issues is crazy and I don’t really understand why they changed the way images are shown but they have and now we have to deal with it. The wootheme we use has been updated for the latest woocommerce update but this issue still exists. I found some code that has certainly helped clean up my images and going forward I will have to make sure we are uploading images that are the same size which to be honest isn’t always possible.

    This issue has become widely spoken about and so I’m hoping like the thousands of other people that a real resolution will come from Woocommerce at some point.

    Here is some code that might help you control your image sizes, these can be added to child functions.php (we use the ‘theme customisation master’ plugin and add the code in the functions.php file), you can change the sizes according to what you would like:

    This is the code we used to tidy up our images showing all different sizes.
    Change your catalog images with a specific size:

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_image_size_thumbnail', 'ci_theme_override_woocommerce_image_size_thumbnail' );
    function ci_theme_override_woocommerce_image_size_thumbnail( $size ) {
        // Catalog images: specific size
        return array(
            'width'  => 750,
            'height' => 430,
            'crop'   => 1,

    This is the code we used to bring the single product images under control.
    Change the Single Product image:

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_image_size_single', 'ci_theme_override_woocommerce_image_size_single' );
    function ci_theme_override_woocommerce_image_size_single( $size ) {
        // Single product image: square
        return array(
            'width'  => 750,
            'height' => 750,
            'crop'   => 1,

    We had no need for this code but someone may find it handy.
    Change gallery thumbnails:

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_image_size_gallery_thumbnail', 'ci_theme_override_woocommerce_image_size_gallery_thumbnail' );
    function ci_theme_override_woocommerce_image_size_gallery_thumbnail( $size ) {
        // Gallery thumbnails: proportional, max width 200px
        return array(
            'width'  => 200,
            'height' => '',
            'crop'   => 0,
    Thread Starter sy19


    Cheers for clearing that up @optimizingmatters as I didn’t think it really made sense to me.

    [ Please do not bump. ]

    Thread Starter sy19


    Hello @optimizingmatters
    Thanks for your message.
    Are you suggesting adding this ?ao_noptimize=1to the end of every image url?
    Sorry not to sure what you mean.

    Thread Starter sy19


    Hello @slash1andy
    Thanks for your reply.
    Sorry can you elaborate?
    I understand that the images are different sizes as sometimes this cannot be helped when uploading them to the site, previously this has never been an issue as they had all shown the same size and scale regardless of what we uploaded.

    You have said about setting the image size but with the latest woocommerce updates I have no idea where to change this so for example if I wanted all my images show as 400 high (the width would then be to scale) I wouldn’t know where to look. I tried this code (below) which did a grand job however it also changed the category images which use a different scale so I had to remove the code:

    /*forces WC product images to all be 400px in height */
    .woocommerce ul.products li.product a img {
    width: 100%;

    I then tried this code (below) but it hard cropped the images instead so again I had to remove the code:

    .woocommerce ul.products li.product, .woocommerce-page ul.products li.product {
    width: 100%;


    Can you provide me with code to change only the images shown in this link (product images within categories) so they all show as the same size as they previously did before the update or can you explain to me where I make this change with in the dashboard? I have checked my custom CSS and found nothing I think is causing the issue.

    The new woocommerce update for customizing images only has 3 image options:
    1:1 – which hard crops into a square
    Custom – which hard crops
    Uncropped – which just shows the images in their different sizes instead of showing all the images same size to scale.

    Thanks so much for your help.

    Thread Starter sy19


    I thought I would come back here and clear up a few things as after some extensive research and a lot of messing around we have found that your plugin was NOT the root of the issue. At first it was the one plugin that looked to be affecting the site but after delving deeper we found that the issue was caused by ‘SEO Ultimate plugin’. The site now works fine and your plugin is performing wonderfully as it always has.

    Thread Starter sy19


    Hello there
    Thanks for taking the time to answer.
    Yes I understand, there are a lot of woocommerce plugins and getting them all to work with each other can be a pain. I’ll continue to work through the issue and see where I get.

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