Forum Replies Created
I think you can as soon as you live the shortcode.
Let me know if you have any issue.
RegardsForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woocommerce PayBox Payment Gateway] Identification ProblemHave you find a solution ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woocommerce PayBox Payment Gateway] Paybox AutoresponseHello,
You don’t need to create a page for autoresponse.
The autoresponse is catches at wordpress init level by doing a string comparison with the appropriate URL label.
You must have URL rewrite enabled to use /autoreponse as URLBest
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woocommerce PayBox Payment Gateway] Preprod testingHello,
Your autoresponse url must be reachable by Paybox server …
Autoresponse is the interface for direct return by paybox in order to confirm that the payment is legitimate.
SWForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woocommerce PayBox Payment Gateway] Paybox in iFrameHello,
It’s not possible with this version.
The premium version will make it possible (including one click payment and woocoomerce subscription support).
However this version is currently in design and is planned to be released this summer (premium version will not be free).
I will post a message on the forum when it will be available.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woocommerce PayBox Payment Gateway] Preprod testingHi,
If you want to receive autoresponse, your server must be reachable by Paybox.
You can use any autoresponse url as it will be automatically catch by system at wordpress startup (init) and send to paybox as “PBX_REPONDRE_A” parameter.
You should activate mod-rewrite to use convenient url like https://yoursite.com/autoresponseBest,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woocommerce PayBox Payment Gateway] Preprod testingThanks for your help ??
Close the ticket
Can you please describe more precisely what you mean by “It does not work once payment make”.
Can you see your payment on Paybox Backend ?
Do you receive Paybox ticket ?Thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woocommerce PayBox Payment Gateway] Paybox CGI module can not be foundBonjour,
Toutes les réponses sont dans le ticket précedent.
A savoir : il s’agit d’un chemin absolu sur le serveur, pas une URL.Vous le mettez ou vous voulez tant que le process Apache peut le voir et l’exécuter (en mode shell_exec).
Et c’est justement la ou vous l’avez mis que vous renseignez dans “Complete path to PayBox CGI”.Si cette réponse ne vous parait pas claire, merci de vous rapprocher d’un administrateur système ou de faire une demande de support sur notre site OpenBoutique
Bonne journée
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woocommerce PayBox Payment Gateway] Paybox CGI module can not be foundHello Alex,
The complete path to paybox CGI must be an absolute path on your server :
For Windows : C:\directory\myCGI.exe
For Linux : /root_directory/sub_directory/myCGIIt must not be an URI (https://www.mysite.com/cgi-bin/mycgi)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woocommerce PayBox Payment Gateway] cgi not foundHello,
You may download the appropriate CGI at https://www1.paybox.com/telechargement_focus.aspx?cat=3.
And be sure that the local full path you have mentioned (/the/path/to/paybox.cgi) is “executable” : you can try to run the exe by pasting this local full path in a shell command window.
You may not use the paybox CGI as a CGI but as a local executable.