Forum Replies Created
Hi Sean,
I don’t really need help. I just wanted to mention that it seemed like it was a Chrome 118 issue/change and not directly related to this plugin. Someone on Stack Overflow came up with a better solution (that works for us): https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77303375/chrome-browser-error-attestation-check-for-topics-on-https-pagead2-googlesynd
The person running the website can set a header: “Permissions-Policy: browsing-topics=()” which should fix the issue for everyone without needing to instruct individual users to change Chrome browser settings.
This error message happens without using this plugin and without using WordPress (using Google’s given JavaScript embed for things like Google campaigns and conversions or using Google Tag Manager using official Google tags). This is currently the only public page I could find on the Internet mentioning this specific error. It seems like this started showing up with Chrome 118. (I was the only person in the office without the issue using Chrome 117 and then I started seeing the same error message after I updated.)
Google Ads chat support kept giving us canned, non-answers about this particular topic (we were trying to report it or get passed to the appropriate channel) — it seems like a Chrome change (as guevara93 mentions) and I assume Google Ads devs haven’t caught up because we’re also not blocking anything with those Chrome privacy settings and/or using default Chrome settings, but everyone in the office and our clients see this error on most of the sites (not all) that have Google Ads campaigns running.
I was hoping Google Ads support could tell us if there was a new setting, that I couldn’t find, that we needed to set on the campaigns but we weren’t able to reach anyone with useful information.
Just chiming in to repeat what RollyOs is saying.
I don’t see a mobile/tablet/desktop option for Carousel auto play (like for other settings), but it does appear to only be working on phones (Safari, Chrome) and not on Windows Desktop (Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Brave). It’s not working on phone-size desktop screens either.
I’d dig in further to see what’s triggering this, but I’m swamped and decided to see if anyone else was having the same problem.
Also, Z Kuzmanov’s website doesn’t autoplay on my desktop, but the galleries do autoplay on my phone. I imagine it’s the same problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Login No Captcha reCAPTCHA] Checkout page (Terms) box is gone by this pluginThe latest version (1.6.9) fixed missing (well, “hidden”) checkboxes on our one site’s checkout page. My site’s checkboxes are for a mailing list opt-in and not the terms/privacy checkbox though, but it was CSS that was breaking it. That CSS file is no longer loading on my checkout page in 1.6.9.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Login No Captcha reCAPTCHA] latest version conflict on checkout page wooIt’s because on this line: “wp_register_style(‘login_nocaptcha_css’, plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . ‘css/style.css’, array( ‘login’ ), filemtime( __FILE__ ));” in login-nocaptcha.php.
That “array( ‘login’ )” includes example.com/wp-admin/css/login.min.css on any page that this plugin gets called/works on. It’s a dependency declaration which forces that the other CSS file gets included. You can instead pass array() instead of array(‘login’) which will remove the extra css file.
So: “wp_register_style(‘login_nocaptcha_css’, plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . ‘css/style.css’, array(), filemtime( __FILE__ ));”This plugin had reverted another CSS change people were claiming to have an issue with, but left this line. It’s inadvertently including the CSS that normally only gets included on this page: example.com/wp-login.php.
Also unrelated but this latest version on this plugin also includes an extra copy of the plugin in a /trunk/ folder which should also be removed.