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  • Plugin Author swift


    Thanks for the kind words – glad you like it!

    Plugin Author swift


    Looks like there is a conflict if the theme or another plugin uses FontAwesome 5 JS (as in your case – a companion plugin to a theme). I’ll push an update to Conference Scheduler that will fix this soon – for now you can fix it by adding the following CSS rule to the Additional CSS section of the Customizer:

    .conf_scheduler .session .workshop.picked .favorite svg.fa-star[data-prefix=”fas”] { color: #FFCC09; }

    Thanks for pointing this out – glad you like the plugin.

    Plugin Author swift


    Yes – use the defaultstate=”open” attribute in the shortcode.

    See the documentation for more details:

    Thread Starter swift


    FYI I’ve updated to Wp5.0b3 and this issues seems to be resolved. I’ll keep watching it though and report if it reappears. Thanks!

    Thread Starter swift


    Nothing in the server logs. As I said, the HTML of the document looks complete (I get the </body></html> tags at the end) so I’m quite sure there is no PHP error – it’s a JS error that blocks the rendering and since the Block Editor is all based on JS, nothing gets rendered.

    Thread Starter swift


    Just tried – still nothing. I just get a white screen despite having all the HTML present and the same errors on the console.

    Thread Starter swift


    Visually nothing loads (blank white screen) but inspecting the page it seems pretty well formed with lots of HTML – it’s just that the block editor doesn’t load so nothing shows up. There is no 500 status error – the page loads OK with 200 but then the block editor won’t initialize due to a bunch of errors and so it doesn’t call anything else.

    To reproduce:
    – install “Conference Scheduler” plugin from the directory and activate on WP 5.0
    – try to edit any post/page with the new block editor – new page, existing page, it doesn’t matter – the editor gets JS errors (listed above) and won’t load.

    Maybe there’s some error in my block code, but it runs fine on WP 4.9.8 with Gutenberg plugin 4.1 and lower so it seems more likely it’s caused by WP5.0

    Plugin Author swift


    I’ve had another report of this, but I haven’t been able to reproduce it myself so I haven’t been able to fix it yet. I have another idea – would you be able to test a different version of that file for me if I send it to you? If so, send me a message at [email protected] so I can email the file to you.

    FYI – there aren’t any settings in that page in the standard version, it’s mainly a placeholder for the Pro version. All customization options can be found in the Customizer under Conference.

    Plugin Author swift


    Try updating to the new version 1.2.1 as the code has changed a fair bit. If you still get the error, let me know and I’ll try to sort it out.

    Sorry for the delay!

    Plugin Author swift


    Sorry for missing this before – I wasn’t getting notifications of new posts.

    As for annual conferences, that’s something I’ll think about for the future, but for now, you should be able to do this by simply creating new sessions for your new conference, with one parent session for each year. Then you can use the new shortcode feature I put in v1.1 to display only a specific session. I’ll update the documentation about this, but basically all you do is add id=”XX” to the shortcode (so [conf_scheduler id=”123″] would show session with Tag ID = 123). You can get the Tag ID from the Edit link in the Sessions list.

    Hope that helps, and I’ll see if I can make an easier way to do this in the future.

    Thread Starter swift


    Seems like you didn’t understand my question – I’m well aware of the ability to set image widths with percentages, but there currently isn’t an easy, graphical way to set image width in percent in the wordpress editor. I certainly can go in and edit the code for each image (which I currently do) but it takes several steps (and time) and most people I design sites for wouldn’t be comfortable doing this themselves.

    One way to accomplish what I’m looking for is for there to be more options in the sizes dropdown when the image gets inserted – instead of just thumbnail, medium, medium-large, large and full, have a couple more options (half width, third width, quarter width etc). The best image gets chosen by the browser from the srcset and so WP just needs to supply some simple built-in CSS to drive it.

    I’m having the same error, but it has nothing to do with timing out. I uploaded the original image and that timed out (gave HTTP error as upload took too long on a shared host), but if I reload the Media library a placeholder for the image is there (and the file is successfully uploaded to the uploads directory) so I’m trying to generate thumbnails for it, but when I do, it immediately gives the error described in the first post. Any thoughts?



    I’ve been playing with the code and managed to get this implemented (MIC can be told to generate @2x images itself). WP Retina2x recognizes these images as retinas and will serve them just like any other. I’ve submitted the code changes to the plugin author and hopefully they’ll get integrated in the next version. So stay tuned…



    I just came here to ask the same question! I love Manual Image Crop, and have just started playing with HiDPI images using the WP Retina 2x plugin which seems nice so far, however it doesn’t respect the altered crops from Manual Image Crop. Any way to get these playing together nicely would be awesome!



    I was just going to post this same question! I love Manual Image crop and have just begun playing with HiDPI images. The WP Retina 2x plugin seems to be pretty handy but it doesn’t respect Manual Image cropping. Any way to get these working together would be awesome.

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