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  • This is happening to me as well but not with regularity so it’s difficult to troubleshoot. I now must manually check paypal on those to see if a payment was made/received.

    thank you for responding. We’ve been trying to resolve this issue for quite some time.

    Since the updates this summer, “guests” are taken to paypal express BEFORE shipping is charged. there is not an opportunity that returns them to finalize a purchase. We have entered tickets with this problem but none were resolved… same with forum postings. We use the X Theme and everything worked fine until paypal express became FREE.
    If you can figure out the problem, we’d love to use paypal express .. in the meantime, in order to not lose any more money we have only two options:
    1. Force all shoppers to register an account with us (no guests) or..
    2. Disable paypal express and enable paypal.

    Have you any suggestions? and no, we do not have shipping turned on in paypal.

    We have had ongoing problem with Paypal Express NOT charging shipping. After more than a month of losing shipping charges we’ve disabled paypal express and have to suggest others do the same and reverted to just paypal. The only way Paypal Express will charge shpping is if you force customers to have accounts which means there’s an address on file that can used to calculate shipping BEFORE the customer goes to Paypal Express.

    It would be nice to have some support on this issue, but it seems users have had to troubleshoot this on their own to figure it out.

    Thank you pnightingale… I disabled Paypal Express and have gone to just Paypal and all works fine. Despite Paypal Expresses denials.. they have to be the problem.

    THe new paypal express was FREE…. I’ll look into disabling that and just going to regular paypal. If you can convince the people at paypal express to understand this, I’d be very grateful.

    as far as we can tell. We thought it was with paypal express but they won’t even look at it anymore but it all happened about the same time as the paypal express changeover and the wc 4.6.1 upgrade with the my account stuff.

    It has something to do with WC determining shipping costs and if it is a registered user, it looks at that zipcode and goes with that — calculates shipping then whips over to paypal express and finalizes.

    If you don’t have the zipcode, shipping destination entered and it goes to paypal, no shipping is charged. I think a customer can click on the shipping and set that up prior to going to paypal, but it is not required, and if they just zip to paypal before setting up shipping, we lose as by the time they are returned to our shop, paypal has already charged the customer for the order WITHOUT SHIPPING.

    By requiring registering, it assures you get paid for shipping as it is calculated before they go to paypal.

    As to who’s problem this is.. paypal expess or woocommerce – I have no idea but we are losing on this deal in total sales as well as shipping. As paypal won’t let you buy from yourself, you can’t create a guest account to test it — fortunately we had a different paypal not associated with the account which is how we determined that guest checkin does NOT work.. only registered users get charged for shipping.

    A replay by a developer or somebody from WC would be nice.

    This has been a problem for us, but we thought it was do to paypal express. Apparently not. It has to do with whether or not the person is registered as a “GUEST” or has an account on your site. I think it has something to do with the update that was done to My Accounts but nobody seems to take the time to look at it. Meanwhile, we have lost lots of money on shipping costs, and sales from people who prefer to shop as a “guest”.
    Can anybody please help?

    IN order to not lose any more money on shipping, we’ve had to change to only allowing registered ppl (not guests) to purchase from our store AND, flat rate shipping. This is hurting our business tremendously.
    We have opened numerous tickets and this thread shows that there is some sort of conflict between WC 4.6.1 (I suspect it’s the My Account updates)and Paypal Express.

    Can someone please either give us an update on what’s being done or point us to whoever might be able to help?

    Have we been dropped? I switched so that we all buyers had to be registered (no guests).. but have not had any orders at all.

    Has anybody gotten anything to work yet? They closed out my ticket at WC without every fixing anything.

    I don’t use tables… nor australian.. but I’ve found if I do away with GUEST checkout, it seems ok. I use shipping address…. also tried with billing address and it made no difference as long as I did NOT ALLOW GUEST checkout.

    I would rather not have to require guest checkout as I think some people will not buy… but at least we aren’t losing money on shipping overseas (and not being able to charge for it)

    We have no other gateway. With the changes I made, it appears to work, however I will have to see orders from others before I know. The fact that our own accounts always work, but “guests” didn’t, was the factor.

    This is a My Account issue…..or lack thereof.

    Since I made changes that you have to have an account, it calculates shipping before it goes to paypal. If I don’t go directly to paypal express, it also demands to know a billing address before it will move forward.
    But once you put in all the shipping information, it also figures the USPS regular rates and offers them.

    Paypal Express is fine.. the problem is that you CANNOT allow guest checkouts… they must have an account in order to capture shipping.

    i think it’s due to the woocommerce 2.6 update.
    I noticed that we were allowing purchases as “guests” and unless they made the effort to put in billing charges, it was FREE. For registered users, it would use their info.

    THis could be due to their changes to the MY Account setting as I kept getting strange errors with that and they keep bragging that it’s been changed to do amazing things. I finally weeded through and made it happy, but have no idea if that’s where the problem lies or not (but if I were WC.. I’d sure look there!!!!)

    But.. this only seemed to work with flat rates and not usps for first class or parcel.

    But nobody from WC will get back to us to either confirm or deny. It’s frustrating….

    We are having the same problem. we are losing money to keep customers happy. We’ve been going back and forth with “tickets” to woocommerce trying to resolve this issue but nothing happens and they don’t answer for days.

    Has anybody gotten any resolution from this issue yet?

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