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Thanks a lot, that’s all I wanted to know.
In the era of AWS & Co no one needs managed WP hosting any longer – anyone with a little knowledge (like me) can roll their own best fit for the purpose, fully automated and without any support teams. I just wanted to know the state of the art (which appears quite poor to me) before starting to roll my own…
0. Speaking of good infrastructures – the AWS-authored “reference” WP architecture I mentioned seems completely unsatisfactory to me.
1. Mounting a filesystem between servers has high latency (and AWS EFS is a relic; AWS EBS can be mounted on a single instance at a time).
2. Thanks for the HyperDB pointer, I’ll consider that. But notice that with my solution scaling DB is a no-brainer – stock MySQL replicated on every instance will do the job of (infinite horizontal) scalability.
Forgot to add an LB is needed not only for load-balancing, but also for offloading HTTPS and keeping auto-renewable AWS certs
Yes, I do have many infrastructures of the kind: 1*(LB) + 1*(WP+DB) instance, which I always wanted to (but cannot with the existing tools/plugins) make auto-scalable to 1*(LB) + N*(WP+DB), where N autoscales.
BTW, M*(LB) would not work as you suggested because the WP’s DB keeps (in wp_options) the LB’s hard-wired URL, like site_url=
Apparently, the best thing I will need to implement is my “every WP instance listens to emerging of the latest-update.wpress and then wp ai1wm restore this latest-update.wpress on itself.”
I simply wanted to know if there were any existing standard solutions, but apparently there aren’t. I am surprised, despite WP powers 27% of the web, people keep their WP web sites so rudimentary simple/unsophisticated: no autoscaling + frequent continuous updates.
Thanks, Yani!
1) I disagree: if you have many php processing servers behind an LB, your ain1wm import/restore request will be load-balanced to just ONE of them, will execute and update styles etc. only on this server/instance, and the others will remain unupdated. Right?
2) So, like I said, EVERY PHP server/instance should listen when a new update shows up and install it. This is especially important if we have AUTOSCALING, when instances get born and die depending on the load; hence every newborn (from an already outdated AMI image should notice that it is outdated and ain1wm the newest .wpress).
3) I am more in favor of having a DB instance on EVERY PHP instance (your last option) because: a) this is “real scaling up”, without a single bottleneck DB; b) Amazon RDS instances are unreasonably expensive (besides creating a bottleneck).
Do you agree?
I found a “reference” AWS WordPress farm architecture:
but it is unsatisfactory since it lacks the update functionality like the one provided by your All-in-One WP Migration.
In a single server setup, we currently develop on a Dev server and when satisfied push changes to the Prod server in one click using wp cli and ai1wm.
Best regards,