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  • Thread Starter sv3n.spandau


    Hi Michael, thanks again for the quick fix. I can confirm, that the issue does no longer appear. Great job!

    Thread Starter sv3n.spandau


    For (2): That now works as expected. Thanks a lot!

    Unfortunately the last update of the plug-in introduced a new bug: While importing the docx, mammoth now inserts a line break before and after each tag. If I have for example italic text inside a paragraph mammoth will generate a line break before the opening <em> and after the closing </em>. Due to the wordpress editor’s “magic” (and annoying) line break handling, these line breaks will make it into the output.

    Besides this I still love the plug-in.

    Thread Starter sv3n.spandau


    1) The new version of the embedder generates word documents which are opened by word without any complaints. Thumbs up!

    Templates do not work — documents created on base of the template do not contain the stylemap. But I am okay with creating an empty word document with the stylemap embedded and copying this to create new posts which seems to work fine.

    Haven’t thought of the multi-user implications. I think a global stylemap which could be overriden by an embedded stylemap would be enough, but I can live well with the current approach.

    2) I want to merge multiple following quote paragraphs in word to a single blockquote with multiple embedded ps.

    To achieve this I adjusted the mapping to p[style-name='Quote'] => blockquote > p and created a word document which contains just four paragraphs:

    1. normal
    2. quote
    3. quote
    4. normal

    Importing this document results in two seperate blockquote elements each containing a p element. You can download the minimalistic document here.

    3) Or what about a :raw postfix (similar to the :fresh postfix) that could tell Mammoth to take the original text without any escaping? This way it would even be possible to include some raw HTML.

    4) The suggestion from 3) might solve this too.

    5) Just a question: Is there currenlty the possibility to omit a special paragraph type completely while importing? Background: I like to include titles in my word documents at the beginning, but they map to the post’s title and do not appear in the content. Definitely not essential for surviving.


    Please don’t get the points above wrong: I love the plug-in as it is and it is really a huge time saver. All the requests above point into one direction: I would prefer to maintain the full article including shortcodes and the like within word. Without the possibility to include shortcodes/HTML import becomes a one-shot solution for just the first import and every change afterwards needs to be done in the WordPress editor which — unfortunately — is quite error prone due to it’s strange newline and paragraph handling.

    Thanks a lot for all your efforts…

    Thread Starter sv3n.spandau


    Great idea. It is working … mainly.

    Just have a few glitches and suggestions…

    1) I’ve hoped I could create a word document (maybe a template) with the stylemap embedded and could than create other documents based on this one.

    Unfortunately after I’ve embedded the stylemap using your web tool MS Word doesn’t want to open the document any more and states it is defect. So this would mean that I have to embed the stylemap manually each time before I upload it.

    I really would prefer an option to specify the stylemap within the WordPress settings.

    2) I have the following mapping: p[style-name='Quote'] => blockquote

    According to your definition of freshness I would expect two paragraphs using the Quote-paragraph style to be merged to one blockquote, but mammoth generates to blockquotes? Have I misunderstood the concept?

    3) I have defined a paragraph style named Source and map it to a simple div. My idea was to have an option to directly embed source code (e.g. WP shortcodes) that will be inserted as original into the created article. Unfortunately the straight quotation marks of my shortcode are imported as &quot entities instead of quotation marks. Any ideas for this?

    4) It would be great to have the possibility to embed the <!--more--> tag within my word document to break up the article’s excerpt and content. Any ideas whether this is possible?

    Thread Starter sv3n.spandau


    Sounds awesome and exaclty like what I was looking for. Will try this out.

    Many thanks again for your great time-saving work!

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