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Did you actually go read about child themes?
You need to put the child theme in its own directory, add some code to the child theme’s style.css in order to link it to the parent theme (which, yes you would want to download a fresh copy of the twentyten theme if you want it to be a parent).
You could also just forget about it being a child theme, and not link it to the twentyten theme, but you do want to rename your theme folder, so it doesn’t get overwritten when you update. I mentioned the child/parent option, as that seems to be the general recommendation given by others in other posts about modifying themes here in the forum.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: twenty ten theme: removing black bar above the headerIt’s in the CSS (style.css) — there’s a rule for the #branding img that gives it a 4px top border and a 1px bottom border.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Sidebar CSS IssueI feel like I need to start all of my answers with “I’m just a novice, so don’t laugh at me if I’m wrong…” but…I think you need to put the main content area and the sidebar into a div together, so that they relate to each other. Right now I think they are just positioning relative to the larger container that you have wrapped around all of your divs.
I keep looking back at the Twentyten theme, and it has a wrapper that surrounds the header, main, and footer divs. The main div surrounds the content and sidebar divs.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: WordPress tag for including text in page template?Can you post a link? I’m not sure I’ll be able to help, but being able to see specifically might let someone else help more quickly.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Posts Page?Have you looked at the Template Hierarchy in the Codex?
My understanding is that for a category, WordPress is looking first for something that has the category slug in the name like: category-articles.php, and then for something with the ID in it (i.e. category-4.php). Failing those, category.php or archive.php
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: WordPress tag for including text in page template?the_content() will work on pages, too.
Have you looked at the page.php included with the Twentyten theme? That might help, to see how that template is structured, and the functions it uses.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: how do you change where your post is viewed?I haven’t tried this myself, but what about using the Art Direction plugin?
Yes, in the stylesheet, try min-height: 600px; INSTEAD of height: 600px;
Also, you probably ought to be making your changes to a child theme, instead of directly to the Twentyten theme, when you upgrade WordPress, the changes you have made will get overwritten. Have you spent time looking through the Codex, there is a lot of good information there?
Oh, I’m not saying a scrollbar is “out” — I just personally think it would look better without.
If you are happy with a scrollbar, then there’s no need to go further, I was just trying to brainstorm, especially because I’m still trying to learn CSS myself.
Did you try the min-height setting? That should set the minimum height of the container to 600px, but if the content is longer, it should expand as needed.
It does work, but I see a scrollbar, which I personally don’t think is ideal.
Could you set a min-height of 600px on the container instead?
The images for the Twenty Ten theme header are located in wp-content/themes/twentyten/images/headers.
When you are in your Admin Panel, though, look for Appearance–>Header: you’ll have the option to upload your own (the default size is 940 x 198, so that’s the size to make your own image if that’s what you want to do) or you can choose one of the default images.
I’m not an expert, and am just learning myself, but when I go poking around using Chrome’s Inspect Element, and then comparing to a site of my own, I notice that on your site #container has a height of 600px. Coupled with the fact that #main has a setting of overflow: hidden: I think this is why your checkout form is getting cut off like that. Using the property inspector, I can change overflow to something else, and have the rest of the form display, but I’m pretty sure that you want to get rid of the height setting on #container. I’m comparing to a test site of my own that’s based on the Twenty Ten theme, and I don’t see a height setting in the original style.css.
The opening body tag is actually in the header.php file, which is called by the getheader function in index.php
(The closing tags for the body and html are in footer.php)
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Any Trouble if I use large themes?I was curious about a 90MB theme, so I downloaded the danoska theme, and sure enough: the zip file is 90MB, but when you unpack it, it includes something like 200MB worth of PSD files for 10 different color variations. The theme directly itself is quite small.