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Advanced options are grayed out.. I can change the Category, and it does apper to impact the results.
Sorting radio buttons I cannot change.
WordPress 5.4.2 running Twenty Fourteen theme.
Payload Unit is working good!
Playing with adding add. parameters and sorting. See link below in playload.
It’s nice to be able to apply keyword and then titles again, and managing the AD units.I’m still messing with the Contextual Unit on a Widget and sometimes it’s definitely in the right “SearchIndex” sometimes it’s way off. It’s great as it covers all content (static & dynamic) with 1 AD Unit without having to think about it. But that’s me being lazy.. I will likely be using a Payload or setup a Native Shopping ad. in most instances now.
Even AZ Recommendation ADs sucks at this, I haven’t looked too deep into your code to see how your parsing content, but scraping/parsing the page content and populating a payload is going to be the most robust method.
Maybe a Global/Sitewide default variable for the “SearchIndex”: could be enabled and it would apply to the other Ad. Unit types. ie, “SearchIndex”:”SportsAndOutdoors” In my case.
Thanks for the super-fast update on this.
P.S. These should be PRO (Paid) features.
#payload sample#
“Keywords”: “Kayak Paddle”,
“Resources”: [
“SearchIndex”: “SportsAndOutdoors”,
“Title”: “Kayak Paddle”,“SortBy”: “Featured”, <———- This is nice —
“Properties”: {
“key1”: “value1” <— Still messing with this.
“PartnerType”: “Associates”,
“Marketplace”: “”,
“Operation”: “SearchItems”
}I will look into the taxonomy.
I found the search Index option, having that on the Contextual would be great. It exactly what I’m looking for.
Adding the Index drop-down to the Contextual is the solution I’m looking for. If your website is a niche marketing you have to be able to narrow down the expected return.
Example: I have an article about safety and kayaking, and the contextual bought back a fork-lift cage. If this was limited to “SportsAndOutdoors” I doubt that would have happened.
Thanks for the quick response. I like the plugin and what it does, just looking to fine-tune it.
“Specifying the search index is available in Pro.”
I’m not seeing this option, in any of the “Add” menus.
Going to remove and readd the plugin’s
I have Pro, I will look again.
tag example
<h1>Hello World</h1>
<aal>Hello World</aal> <– <aal></aal> would Identify keywords to use.Another request.
Can a custom tag be enabled to refine the contextual unit? I would like to identify the keywords in the post or article to tune the search.