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Sasnick – if you haven’t noticed it yet there is a plugin called NextCellent Gallery that is a legacy version of NextGen Gallery 1.9.13. I was so happy when I found it. It solved all my issues.
Yes, my thoughts exactly!
That is one reason why I hesitate to roll-back. Using NGG 1.9.13 isn’t a long-term solution because sooner or later a new version of WordPress will make NGG 1.9.13 obsolete.
I read among the reviews some people who where considering making a fork of NGG 1.9.13 and maintain that. If they do, I will use their plugin in the future.
Having so many pictures it isn’t easy to change into another plugin.
At the moment I am waiting (and grinding my teeths and are at least greatful that the season for C?te d’Azur (my main topic in my travel blog) is over.) At least I am not adding any pictures to my NGG-galleries, I use Instagram (via Instagrabber) and the built-in picture archive for the new posts (but most of my traffic are to old ones that at the moment I don’t even won’t to look at).
@martina Schein
Do you mean that even if I wait for a new version of NGG 2.X that works all my previous pictures will say away?
I have a travel blog with close to 4000 pictures. Most of which I have inserted with the shortcode [singlepic id = 497 w = 200 h = 150].
A lot of them now displays the text “no images found” instead which I dont think improved the readers experience of my blog one bit.
I haven’t rolled back to NGG 1.9.13 becuase of the work it involves and instead was keeping my fingers crossed that Photocrati will solve the bugs and present a working version of NGG via the automatic uploader soon.
But if it will not help because they’ve changed the shortcodes…
Hi Tonyva,
Yes, I agree. The people who know WordPress well tend to repeat that you should always update to the latest version because of security. So you do. But from now on, perhaps both you and I will be a bit more careful and have a look in the support forum first and see if the new version actually works.
Photocrati that developes NGG 2.x have written a lot on how to roll-back.
Things to do.
1) Rollback to the NGG 1.9.13 This means you have to use FTP. If you are not familiar with it the people behind NGG has offered to help.2) Report a bug luck!
Hi @sorinlatia
If you have a look around in the support forum you will find that you are not alone.
Things to do.
1) Rollback to the NGG 1.9.13 This means you have to use FTP. If you are not familiar with it the people behind NGG has offered to help.2) Report a bug Never upgrade anything on WordPress without first reading in the support section that the new version actually works. Do not trust the “it is 100% compatible according to the developer”.
Good luck!
If you have a look around in the support forum you will find that you are not alone.
Things to do.
1) Rollback to the NGG 1.9.13 Report a bug Never upgrade anything on WordPress without first reading in the support section that the new version actually works. Do not trust the “it is 100% compatible according to the developer”.
Good luck!
Thanks @liken22 for this suggestion.
I tried your solution and it worked and the pictures are back!
I really like Alpine so happy that it works again.
Yes there is and photocrati is aware of the problem.
You may want to read their open letter.
I had a widget called “NextGEN Widget”
The settings I used:
Title: Chefstomaten aka Kristina Svensson
Show: 1 original images
Enable IE8 Web Sices
Width x Height: 180 x 400
Select: only which are listed
Gallery ID: 112It looked great with NGG 1.9.13 but with NGG 2.0 the original picture was replaces with the thumbnail image (100 x 100). And if you blow up a thumbnail 100 x 100 to 180 x 400 it looks rather horrible.
I replaced it with bracket a href=””>
<img src=” </a bracket.Thanks @photocrati/Erick for that very genorous offer!
I wish you a lot of success with the work and keep my fingers crossed that the new release on Monday will do the trick.
@photomaldives – that’s a good idea.
Another idea from @MagnaCuda (hope I spellt it correctly) is that the version presently called NGG 1.9.13 is renamed NGG Classic and listed as a new plugin in the WordPress directory. His/her suggestion is here. That way users who don’t know what FTP is can roll-back easily.
Both alternative would be useful for a certain category of users I am sure. And happy users would be be more likely to stay with the solution they’ve got and then perhaps upgrade to the PRO version when it is ready.
Thanks @jeroen for your suggestion.
Thanks @behadel
It looks like Photocrati has decided not go down this road. (Open letter here).
They think they can solve the problem quickly enough.
It’s their decision but I am thinking that what this upgrade has thought a lot of users is that you should never trust an upgrade. It is always better to stick to your old version that is working and not mess with new versions that might crash your entire website and leave you at the mercy of skilled friends that can help you restore your website. And everyone that speaks about the importance of always upgrade to the latest version of WordPress in the interest of safety will meet a few more deaf ears after this.
Hi Magenta Cuda,
I think this is a great idea that would solve a lot of head-aches for many people.
I also think it would be good for the reputation for Photocrati and WordPress.
I never had the opportunity to say so before your previous thread Is it ethical… was closed but I liked the way you both demonstrated that you have the greatest respect for the developers and understand the pressure they are under but that you also in plain language supported all the newbies that are using WordPress.
Hi Sambino
I am not sure but I thought that this was one of the features in the new 2.0 (that it is supposed to look like this). I had it down to have something to do with making the pictures responsive. I don’t appreciate the change myself and don’t know any other solution than to downgrade to the previous version (NGG 1.9.13).
Photocrati collect bug reports and say they will fix all bugs that effect many people. You can do it here:
The same thing happened to me.
I reported it here:
(And then I replace NextGen widget with another picture).