Forum Replies Created
Still not fixed. Any ETA?
I just submitted the support form. Thank you!
I have tried the Troubleshooting mode and the button was still not working. What can we do to find a fix for this issue?
A HuCommerce Pénztárt érint? funkciói a shortcode-os verzióval kompatibilisek 100%-osan. A blokk típusú Pénztárral és Kosárral nem teljesen kompatibilis.
Tehát vagy váltasz a shortcode-os verzióra, aminek szerintem a szerkezete logikusabb és a kinézete is jobb vagy más megoldást kell keresned a HuCommerce Pénztárra vonatkozó moduljai helyett.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [HuCommerce | Magyar WooCommerce kiegészítések] Le vagyok ny?g?zve!K?sz?n?m szépen az értékelést! ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Relevanssi - A Better Search] Search gives the same products on 18 pagesThank you for your answer! I have tested my client’s site and recognized, that we are using a custom Divi template for the results page. The Divi module does not respect the pagination, so that’s why it is just listing the first 12 posts (products) on every page.
K?sz?n?m az értékelést! ?rül?k, hogy tudtam segíteni. ??
Actually the theme is Hello Elementor, so it can’t be the problem. I’m going to your site to get support on live chat. Thank you!
Yes, I have enabled the “Use Product Loop Hook” and the “Use jQuery Positioning” and also the “Use Product Title Hook” to test, if the badges will be displayed, but unfortunately didn’t work with any of those options.
I hope this “future release” will come sooner, than later! This is a very small modification in the code, but huge benefit for all non-english user.
Thank you in advance!
The majority of these topics have been addressed in?
?which updated the language codes to be consistent with the locale codes used in WordPress.Yes, I know, but Hungarian language is still not working. ??
Could you please check the value of the?
?attribute in the?<html>
?tag of your page?This is the
tag:<html lang="hu">
The Hungarian language code in WordPress is
Thank you for your reply and for the code example!
Meanwhile I also have added my own code:
// Modify context to 'pwp_control_allow_loco_translation', if translation location is set to Custom
add_filter( 'loco_file_mod_allowed_context', function( $context, $file ) {
return strpos( $file->dirname(), 'languages/loco' ) !== false ? 'pwp_control_allow_loco_translation' : $context;
}, 10, 2 );
// Always allow file modification, if context is 'pwp_control_allow_loco_translation'
add_filter( 'file_mod_allowed', function( $allow, $context ) {
return 'pwp_control_allow_loco_translation' === $context ? true : $allow;
}, 10, 2 );Maybe this code could help others too.
Hi Kush,
I think, you don’t understand my feedback or didn’t read it or you don’t know, how a WordPress Multisite is working.
A WordPress Multisite is one install, that is managing unlimited number of websites virtually. So the file system is one on the server. It means, there is only one .htaccess file on the server.
So if you can edit those settings on the subsite level, that will write this file, it will be in conflict. Right? That’s a simple fact. Hence, all these settings should be set on the network level, which means a global setting, that will be valid for all subsites. There is only one way to set them on a subsite level, if you set conditions for the domains in the .htaccess file.
So this is not an “error”, this is a logic conflict in your plugin. Every time, when an administrator edit the settings on any subsite will overwrite previous settings in the .htaccess file. So this is not good.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Drop Query String setting is not saved on Multisite install@litetim?Still waiting for the fix. Any ETA?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HuCommerce | Magyar WooCommerce kiegészítések] Használat katalóguskéntSzia @katilla65hu!
A Katalógus mód bekapcsolása esetén most nem mutatja az árakat, de hozzáadtam egy új opciót, amivel kiválasztható, hogy hol mutassa a termékek árait:
- Termék végoldalakon és listaoldalakon
- Csak a termék végoldalakon
- Csak a termékek listaoldalain
- Sehol ne mutassa
Hamarosan kiadom az új verziót, amiben elérhet? lesz már ez az opció a modul beállításainál.
Az érdekl?d? ?rlapot nem tervezem beépíteni, ezt mindenki megoldja a saját ?rlapkezel?jével, amit k?nnyen be lehet illeszteni a termék végoldalakon. Ezt Gravity Forms-szal k?nnyen meg is lehet oldani, az említett adatok el?re kit?ltésével együtt. Ehhez kell egy fejleszt?.