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  • superkim


    Have You tried just doing it literally? I’d assume the big letters means a code that wp uses, the templatepath being known otherwise by wp, eg when you select the theme.

    try it the way it stands!



    Oh shit – a clever guy beat me ??

    I personally would prefer not to have a headline for the pages, so perhaps I will make an empty space instead of ‘Pages’



    Holzbude: This is the way, I tested it:

    wp_list_pages(‘title_li=<h2>’ . __(‘Holzbudes Pages ‘) . ‘</h2>&sort_column=menu_order’);

    It takes a ‘&’ to seperate parameters



    holzbude, it seems that the list_pages thing only takes one argument as its input. I tried to correct your input like this:

    wp_list_pages(‘title_li=<h2>’ . __(‘ ‘) . ‘</h2>’, ‘sort_column=menu_order’ );

    which, I think, should be the way to have 2 arguments. Didn’t succeed. However without the headline there was no trouble, this one did the trick:

    wp_list_pages(‘sort_column=menu_order’ );

    But then you probably have to make the headline manually..

    Okay, it wasn’t so hard to do after all. I am not a php-programmer – yet ?? , but I managed to do this:
    In the index.php file (You don’t need a special archive file for this) SUBSTITUTE
    <div class=”storycontent”>
    <?php the_content(); ?>
    <div class=”storycontent”>
    if ((! empty($_GET[‘p’])) OR (( empty($_GET[‘cat’])) AND ( empty($_GET[‘m’]))))
    It seems to work like this: On the front page and on the individual postings, you have your posts in full length – on the category pages and on the monthly archives you have only the excerpts.
    Thanks for the help, david

    Though it would be nice, if there was some kind of doc. – parameters and so..
    I plan to have my archive using a special file, like arkiv.php (arkiv is danish for archive), which will make excerpts instead of content, but then one have to deal with the individual files, which must have all the content. Too few combinations in the settings for the moment, I think..

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