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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Invalid RSS feed – permanent errorIssue resolved – there was a code of a symbol invisible in WP editor between words in the post content. I was able to see it after pasting the content to txt editor outside WP. I discovered it by Chance, so if you see that when you put a cursor in a white space between words and the arrow on keyboard needs to be pushed twice to move the cursor – there must be something invisible in your post content code. Copy it, and check out in txt editor outside WP.
Error description from W3C RSS validator:
XML parsing error: <unknown>:627:88: not well-formed (invalid token)
and the line 627:
<p><strong>– szerokie tylne s?upki ograniczaj? widoczno?? do ty?u ? jak w niemal ka?dym kombi tylna szyba ?atwo si? brudzi.</strong></p>
Seems valid? Nope ?? If you get this kind of an error, have a check your content in outside WP text editor.
Best to all,
MikeForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Invalid RSS feed – permanent errorI will do that for sure, but… There is a cache somewhere between WP and W3C validator. Even if I apply some changes (i.e. publish an article, turn on some RSS formatting plugin) the W3C keeps the old version of feed for a long time. That makes such examining proces somehow hard. When I check the RSS feed in the browser all the changes are there but on W3C they have their own memory for the feed or something. I will try to switch off what’s possible and post about the effects.
There is a red flag on translations list by the string:
“Please confirm your subscription for %s”
because translation:
“Prosz? o potwierdzenie Twojej subskrypcji dla”
is obviousli missing a “%s” value. I tried to add it and click a “suggest new translation” button but after I click nothing happens. Is my suggestion sent to the right place anyway?
Hi Jeremy,
it partly worked – email notification about new post is now beautifully crafted in polish. But a subscription email title (for new blog supscribers) still says:
“Please confirm your subscription for”
and that’s definitely not in polish ??
Another issue: WP does not send any e-mail notifications about new portfolio-type posts and that behaviour ruins our whole website idea as we have gallery posts of this type. It’s hardly possible to achieve the same visual effect using regular posts, even gallery ones.
We are lost ??
Or maybe there’s a solution which we hope we don’t know.Best,
MikeWell, here are some additional news. I’ve tested a new post notification by e-mail and the received message is fully in English (apart from the post title and excerpt). Surprisingly a friend of mine runs a blog and her auto-mailings to subscribers with new posts announcements are partly polish at least. I’m shure she did not touch any code since it’s me who established her blog on WP a year ago. So please ask your polish colleagues about the built-in automatic mailings which are sent after we publish new post. When a polish internet user finds a message with English title it’s hard not to be thrown to the spam folder. I’ll go and see the forum from your link tomorrow and maybe find some help there.