Okay, I think I’m probably better off just switching to a theme where I don’t have to tweak everything. I tested it out with the theme I have on my other blog (www.superjux.com) and it works just fine.
Hmm. I added that to single.php, so now it works when an individual post is viewed. (Thanks!) However, if you browse by category or month, the print link still does not show as it does on the main page.
I also installed this, but I don’t have a widget. I currently have <ul><?php the_recent_posts(); ?></ul> in my sidebar. How do I remove/change the title?
Okay. I viewed the source and I can see both keys.
I viewed the feed (https://noshwithme.com/feed) but don’t see either key. What could be preventing it from showing in the feed?