Sunny Lal
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] Read More buttonHi @jkstratford,
If the link doesn’t work, thats a different issue.
In this case, the error is likely a result of a plugin or theme conflict (usually caused by a caching or security plugin)..
To test this, please try a different theme temporarily such as Twenty Seventeen (be sure to save any theme specific settings), or, disable all plugins and then check if the problem recurrs — then re-enable each one until you find which one caused the problem.
Let me know the results.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] Read More buttonHi @jkstratford,
The Read More link should lead to the event page. It’s not possible to change or edit that particular link in Agenda View.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] Gutenberg blocksHi @ferdiax,
Sorry for the delay in response.
At the moment, Gutenburg editor works for most people and some report it doesn’t work. For the workaround we suggest using the classic WordPress editor instead. we do not have an update on the ETA of when Gutenburg will be supported. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] Add _eventstartdate to post metaHi @manu-pb,
Sorry for the delay in response. Basically you would have to use database language like MySQL to retreive information from the database. But unfortunately as this request requires custom coding we are not able to provide any further specific details.
Hi @ferdiax,
The thread you referred to is about an different time format for the end date, vs the start date, a bug that was fixed.
On the Posterboard view, the date displays like this:
Jan 1 @ 15:00 – Apr 21 @ 21:00
On the event page, it shows like this:
1 January 2019 @ 15:00 – 21 April 2019 @ 21:00
The shorter date version on the Posterboard view is only used to convserve space, giving the limited available space in the display.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] iCal NameHi @match858,
If you are referring to naming your Import Feeds, unfortunately there is no way to do that in the current calendar version.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] Cant get this plugin working rightHi @hobbywordpress,
For #1, you can use Agenda view and hide the Read More button by copying this code:
#ai1ec-container .ai1ec-read-more {
}Paste it under Appearance > Editor > your theme’s CSS file > paste the code > Save the file.
For #2 you can use Stream view. It’s part of our Extended Views free addon, available here: the problem in #3, this particular error is usually a result of a plugin or theme conflict (usually caused by a caching or security plugin)..
To test this, please try a different theme temporarily such as Twenty Seventeen (be sure to save any theme specific settings), or, disable all plugins and then check if the problem recurrs — then re-enable each one until you find which one caused the problem.
Let me know the results.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] Open Calendar/ModerationHi @tomengeroff,
Generally you would use our Frontend Submission form, where users can submit events, which the administrator can approve or reject in the dashboard.
You can also add new users, with the Role “Event Contributor” which allows your users to create or edit events.
More info on this user role: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] Calendar button doesn’t translateHi @uppsalabf,
If your translation method doesn’t translate that button, You can try using a 3rd party plugin called “Replace Default Words”
A 3rd party plugin that allows you to alter strings on your site without editing WordPress core, or plugin code. Simply enter the current string, and what you want to replace it with and the plugin will automatically do the rest.
Let me know if that works for you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] Restricting Agenda ItemsHi @ac2017,
I suggest placing the Agenda calendar on any restricted page within Ultimate Member.
You can use shortcode to add the calendar to the page, like this:
[ai1ec view=”agenda”]
Hi @bouncerent,
Apologies for the delay in response.
This issue as you described has been reported by a few other people and seems to be caused by a conflict. This particular error is usually a result of a plugin or theme conflict (usually caused by a caching or security plugin)..
To test this, please try a different theme temporarily such as Twenty Seventeen (be sure to save any theme specific settings), or, disable all plugins and then check if the problem recurrs — then re-enable each one until you find which one caused the problem.
Let me know the results.
Hi @ximie90,
You can copy this CSS code:
#ai1ec-container .ai1ec-read-more,
}Then go to Appearance > Editor > your theme’s CSS file > paste the code > Save the file.
Hi @s-light,
You only need to login to the Timely Network if you have any addons for the calendar plugin, in order for them to remain active.
Logging in, by the way, only registers your domain with our API, and links it to any addons you’ve installed. It doesn’t do anything else, and is not an integral part of any calendar function including import feeds.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] Weird layout with repeating eventsHi @stefanovr,
Sorry for the delay in response.
Sometimes due to a memory or connection glitch where the calendar loses CSS references. To fix it, try this:
Navigate to Events > Theme Options > click the Save Settings button.
Also, navigate to Events > Settings > click the Save Settings button.
This will regenerate your CSS and javascript references.
Let me know how that works.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] Event Categories + Google Soft 404 ErrorsHi @koolkatdesign,
Sorry for the delay in response. If the error is in relation to one specific page, it’s best to redirect the page using your Yoast plugin’s redirect feature, and perhaps redirect that particular page to your home page, or another page you deem more appropriate.