Forum Replies Created
I figured that just by adding<br>
I get a line break. So problem 2 is solved.But, I still cannot figure out how to center the site title and tag line to the center of the page.
Will be great to have a solution
It did not really change after copying the link you provided (, I changed my mind and decided to shift the links to my profiles to the footer widget area.
I have two issues still though:1) How to center the site title and tag line? ( I cannot find the part of the code in style.css that deals with site title. If you can tell me which part of the code deals with it, I can also try changing font sizes and types as well.
2) Have a look at my footer widget area:
I added ‘contact address’, ‘contact email’ and ‘visit me at’ sections. Here, I am not able to get the stuff I type in a new line though. For example, I want ‘Google scholar’ in a new line and not right next to ‘Research gate’. Even when I press enter and type ‘Google scholar’, it still ends up right next to ‘Research gate’. Any solutions?
Thanks so much for all the help
I am still some distance away from having a site that can be published. I can only provide screen shots as of now.Does that help?
1) Thanks a lot. The solutions work great and I have the logo in my header with a hyperlink that leads to my profile.
But, the whole header section now looks super big (
Ideally, I would like to have “Sundar Naganathan, PhD” in the center of the page and the logos at the right-most corner and a bit smaller. Is there an easy way to do it?2) Also, how can I center the page titles? They are a bit to the left.
Here are the links for the images.
Research gate –
Google scholar – that work?
Thanks for the fast reply.
Here are the links to my research gate and google scholar profiles.
Research gate:
Logo –
I would like to have ‘ResearchGate_White_Logo_PDF.pdf’ logo.
Link to my profile – scholar:
Logo –
Link to my profile – have one more question:
I just love your website designed with Enigma theme:
In the menu area (‘home’,’themes’ etc.), how can I have a page title (‘weblizar’ in this site for example) that is completely different from the others and how can I change the spacing between ‘Weblizar’ and the other page titles? I would like to have something similar.I love your theme. Keep going!!
Thanks a lot