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  • Thread Starter Sudeep Acharya


    Thanks a lot for your patience.

    Sudeep Acharya

    Thread Starter Sudeep Acharya


    Hi acub,

    Thank you for the reply.

    I do not want any extra plugin and any fancy feature in the author box.
    I just want the default author box to be active.

    Sudeep Acharya

    Thread Starter Sudeep Acharya


    Just to be more clear- I want to get rid of ‘read more’ link.

    Thread Starter Sudeep Acharya


    Thanks a lot acub- you rock.

    Thread Starter Sudeep Acharya


    @acub-Thanks a lot,yes it did work like a charm.

    I just need one more customisation- how to hide this red folder.
    Please refer to the page.

    Sudeep Acharya

    Thread Starter Sudeep Acharya


    @ Jan – Oh! so sorry for that…thank you for deleting the post and will take care in future.

    Sudeep Acharya

    Thread Starter Sudeep Acharya


    This is the code in functions.php of the child theme which is not working.

    [ Moderator note: use the backtick or code button nor blockqoute. ]

    * Customizr functions
    * The best way to add your own functions to Customizr is to create a child theme
    * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
    * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
    * or (at your option) any later version.
    * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
    * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
    * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write
    * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
    * @package   	Customizr
    * @subpackage 	functions
    * @since     	3.0
    * @author    	Nicolas GUILLAUME <[email protected]>
    * @copyright 	Copyright (c) 2013, Nicolas GUILLAUME
    * @link
    * @license
    * Singleton factory : on demand class single instanciation
    * Thanks to Ben Doherty ( for the great programming approach
    * @since     Customizr 3.0
    if ( !function_exists( 'tc__' ) ) :
        function tc__ ( $instance_groups = null, $class = null ) {
           static $instances;
           $classname = '';
           $instance_groups = is_array($instance_groups) ? $instance_groups : array($instance_groups);
           //get the class file(s) array by group and name (if defined)
           $parent_files 	= tc_get_classes ( $instance_groups, $path = null ,$class );
           //Do we have to include some child theme classes?
           $child_files 	= tc_is_child() ? tc_get_classes ( $instance_groups, $path = null ,$class, $child=true) : array();
           $files 			= array_merge($parent_files, $child_files);
           foreach ( $files as $f )
                //load class files
                locate_template ( $f , true , true );//name, load, require_once
                $classname      = 'TC_'.tc_get_file_class( $f );
                if( !isset( $instances[ $classname ] ) )
                    $instances[ $classname ] = class_exists($classname)  ? new $classname : '';
            }//end foreach
        return $instances[ $classname ];
    * Checks if we use a child theme. Uses a deprecated WP functions (get_theme_data) for versions <3.4
    * @return boolean
    * @since     Customizr 3.0.11
    if ( !function_exists( 'tc_is_child' ) ) :
    	function tc_is_child() {
    		// get themedata version wp 3.4+
    		if( function_exists( 'wp_get_theme' ) ) {
    			//get WP_Theme object of customizr
    			$tc_theme       = wp_get_theme();
    			//define a boolean if using a child theme
    			$is_child       = ( $tc_theme -> parent() ) ? true : false;
    		 else {
    		 	$tc_theme 		= get_theme_data( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/style.css' );
    		 	$is_child 		= ( !empty($tc_theme['Template']) ) ? true : false;
    		return $is_child;
    * Recursive function, takes 4 parameters ( $group is required, $class, $path and $child are optional)
    * Scans the theme folder and returns an array of class file names according to their group/name
    * @since Customizr 3.0
    if ( !function_exists( 'tc_get_classes' ) ) :
    	function tc_get_classes( $instance_groups , $path = null , $class = null, $child = null ) {
    	    /* TC_BASE is the root server path of parent theme */
    	    if ( ! defined( 'TC_BASE' ) )       { define( 'TC_BASE' , get_template_directory().'/' ); }
    	    if ( ! defined( 'TC_BASE_CHILD' ) )       { define( 'TC_BASE_CHILD' , get_stylesheet_directory().'/' ); }
    	    //which folder are we scanning, parent or child?
    	    $tc_base      = ($child) ? TC_BASE_CHILD: TC_BASE ;
    	    //initializes the class files array
    	    $classes = array();
    	    //root class instanciation : in this case we don't want to loop through all files
    	    if ( in_array('customizr', $instance_groups) ) {
    	    	$classes[] = '/inc/class-customizr-__.php';
    	    //all other cases
    		else {
    		    $files      = scandir($tc_base.$path) ;
    		    foreach ( $files as $file)
    		        if ( $file[0] != '.' )
    		            if ( is_dir($tc_base.$path.$file) )
    		                $classes = array_merge( $classes, tc_get_classes( $instance_groups, $path.$file.'/' , $class, $child));
    		            else if ( substr( $file, -4) == '.php' )
    		                switch ( $class)
    		                    //if the class is not defined
    		                    case null:
    		                       if ( in_array( tc_get_file_group($file), $instance_groups) )
    		                            $classes[] = $path.$file;
    		                       if ( tc_get_file_class($file) == $class)
    		                            $classes[] = $path.$file;
    		                }//end switch
    		            }//end if
    		        } //end if
    		    }//end for each
    		}//end if
    		return $classes;
    	}//end of function
    * Returns the class group from the file name
    * @since Customizr 3.0
    if ( !function_exists( 'tc_get_file_group' ) ) :
    	function tc_get_file_group( $file) {
    	    $group = preg_match_all( '/\-(.*?)\-/' , $file , $match );
    	    if ( isset( $match[1][0] ) )
    	        return $match[1][0];
    * Returns the class name from the file name
    * @since Customizr 3.0
    if ( !function_exists( 'tc_get_file_class' ) ) :
    	function tc_get_file_class( $file) {
    	     //find the name of the class=>after last occurence of '-' and remove .php
    	    $pos            = strripos( $haystack = $file , $needle = '-' );
    	    //get the part of the string containing the class name
    	    $classname      = substr( $file , $pos + 1);
    	    //get rid of '.php'
    	    $classname      = substr_replace( $classname , '' , -4 , 4);
    	    return $classname;
    * Allows WP apply_filter() function to accept up to 4 optional arguments
    * @since Customizr 3.0
    if( !function_exists( 'tc__f' )) :
        function tc__f ( $filter , $arg1 = null , $arg2 = null , $arg3 = null, $arg4 = null) {
           return apply_filters( $filter , $arg1 , $arg2 , $arg3, $arg4 );
    add_filter( 'tc_category_header', 'my_category_header' );
    function my_category_header($html) {
    	 <header class="archive-header">
            <h1 class="format-icon">
            	<span><?php echo single_cat_title( '' , false )?></span>
            <?php if ( category_description() ) : // Show an optional category description ?>
              <div class="archive-meta"><?php echo category_description(); ?></div>
            <?php endif; ?>
          </header><!-- .archive-header -->
    /* Gets the saved options array and make it global */
    $tc_saved_options = get_option( 'tc_theme_options');
    global $tc_saved_options;
    /* Loads the theme classes framework */
    tc__( 'customizr' );//fires the theme
    /* Starts recording for server execution timeline in dev tools */
    tc__f( 'rec' , __FILE__ );
    * The best and safest way to add your own functions to Customizr is to create a child theme
    * You can add functions here but it will be lost on upgrade. If you use a child theme, you are safe!
    Thread Starter Sudeep Acharya


    This is another strange issue,it is working in the functions.php of the parent theme but not working in the child theme.

    Kindly help.

    Thread Starter Sudeep Acharya



    Now it has worked, I must have inserted the code at wrong place but I also want to remove this folder and the title.

    Sudeep Acharya.

    Thread Starter Sudeep Acharya


    Yes…Thanks a lot electricfeet…u rock.

    Sudeep Acharya

    Thread Starter Sudeep Acharya


    Hi Nic,

    Maybe I was not clear.
    After adding the code in functions.php provided by you it shows the error otherwise it’s fine.

    Sudeep Acharya

    Thread Starter Sudeep Acharya


    Hi rdellconsulting,

    Please refer to the post
    Now I want to fully disable the next and previous post navigation.
    For example refer to this post, you will find after this post a link to next post, I want to disable these next/previous links.

    Sudeep Acharya

    Thread Starter Sudeep Acharya


    Hi Nic,

    Would request you to address my issue.

    Sudeep Acharya

    Thread Starter Sudeep Acharya



    The above code is not working for me.

    I uploaded the functions.php(downloaded from the parent theme) in my child theme and added the above code at the bottom of the file and to my shock I found an

    ‘error establishing the database connection’.

    Am I doing something wrong?

    Please clarify.

    Thank you for the support as always.

    Sudeep Acharya

    Thread Starter Sudeep Acharya


    Thank You Electricfeet and Nik for the support.

    Will post the update of the development.

    Sudeep Acharya

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